WOW! My old Dad dropped a bomb on me...



of the Moore clan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Broken Arrow, OK
So, my old Dad has been working on a 70 Dart for me for the last year and a half, him being up in Washington and me living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I send him money for parts n such and he works on it n such.

Well, he has had a lot of trouble with some of it, and it has cost WAY more than it should at the current stage. He is getting pretty old and tired now, and it isn't near where he wanted it to be at this point. He feels real bad that it is sort of a piece of junk, it has a good motor tranny and rear, but many normal functions don't work and he is so sick of messing with it...

So, he decided to just give me his 69 roadrunner and said he would feel better and be much more proud of what I ended up with and my family members would see how blessed I was rather than what a piece of junk I ended up with.

The RR has a hopped up 440 (500 hp) super duper forged stuff, rollers, etc... The thing is FAST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am not sure if I should accept or not, cuz that car is his baby. He is building a 72 challenger numbers car though, so maybe it would be alright??? My Dad has always been a great father and a super sacrificial man for us kids, he'd give his life for us... I just wanna do whatever makes him happy I guess long term.

Anyhow, here's some pics of my Dad with the RR from a trip a couple weeks ago up there... Sure would be amazing to receive such a fine gift from my pops!





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You have a great Dad. Don't disappoint him on a decision he has made. Make him proud and finish what he can no longer do.
Accept his gift, he is giving you that car with all the love in his heart. Wonderful dad you have there.
That's a sweet 69 road runner !
If your Dad wants you to have it ,
He wants to bless you !
I think you'd offend him if you did not take it?
So, my old Dad has been working on a 70 Dart for me for the last year and a half, him being up in Washington and me living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I send him money for parts n such and he works on it n such.

Well, he has had a lot of trouble with some of it, and it has cost WAY more than it should at the current stage. He is getting pretty old and tired now, and it isn't near where he wanted it to be at this point. He feels real bad that it is sort of a piece of junk, it has a good motor tranny and rear, but many normal functions don't work and he is so sick of messing with it...

So, he decided to just give me his 69 roadrunner and said he would feel better and be much more proud of what I ended up with and my family members would see how blessed I was rather than what a piece of junk I ended up with.

The RR has a hopped up 440 (500 hp) super duper forged stuff, rollers, etc... The thing is FAST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am not sure if I should accept or not, cuz that car is his baby. He is building a 72 challenger numbers car though, so maybe it would be alright??? My Dad has always been a great father and a super sacrificial man for us kids, he'd give his life for us... I just wanna do whatever makes him happy I guess long term.

Anyhow, here's some pics of my Dad with the RR from a trip a couple weeks ago up there... Sure would be amazing to receive such a fine gift from my pops!

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I would accept it for exactly that reason. It comes down to sentimental value and he obviously wants to share his love for that car with you. I'd take it and cherish it and every time he visited, I'd make sure to try to go for a drive with him in it.
I would accept it for exactly that reason. It comes down to sentimental value and he obviously wants to share his love for that car with you. I'd take it and cherish it and every time he visited, I'd make sure to try to go for a drive with him in it.
Nice post, I was 8.. Oh well, another thread , later.. Take care of it , o.p. ...!
What a car!!!! Absolutely stunning.

What makes you doubt your dad's decision? Do you think he will regret it? Do you doubt his reasons?

My input is that you might just want to trust your father for making this decision. He's a grown man who obviously raised you right. He probably knows what he's doing! You sure can't argue with his taste in cars which speaks volumes of his character in my book. :cool:

Whether you keep it or not, this is an absolute dream car and it's just so cool that you have this machine in your family. Whatever you can do to share that car with your dad is going to make for great memories that you'll cherish for the rest of your days.
Many of my "normal functions" don't work so well either.
I think you have the best father in the world.
You probably do too.
I think he wants to see you enjoy it now rather than get it when he can't see you anymore.
(That last part is only an assumption and figure of speech. Maybe we can see things after we die).
He must know that you will take care of it.
Which says something about what he thinks of you.
It's way better than an E body.
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That's a great gift he's giving you!!

Do you have any siblings? If so, how is your Dad (and you feel if you were a sibling) gifting $25k to $40k (assuming that's the value of the car) to one of his kids?
So, he decided to just give me his 69 roadrunner and said he would feel better and be much more proud of what I ended up with and my family members would see how blessed I was rather than what a piece of junk I ended up with.

The RR has a hopped up 440 (500 hp) super duper forged stuff, rollers, etc... The thing is FAST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am not sure if I should accept or not, cuz that car is his baby. He is building a 72 challenger numbers car though, so maybe it would be alright??? My Dad has always been a great father and a super sacrificial man for us kids, he'd give his life for us... I just wanna do whatever makes him happy I guess long term.

Anyhow, here's some pics of my Dad with the RR from a trip a couple weeks ago up there... Sure would be amazing to receive such a fine gift from my pops!

You should do what your Dad wants! He obviously loves you very much. My Dad was not like that and you're blest to have a father like him. Cherish him the rest of his life! Dan[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
I, personally, would have some hesitation taking it. I would wait a bit until you can see hm in person to discuss it. Of course, I would be overly appreciative until then but would want to make sure that it's not out of guilt for not getting your Dart "where it should be". The 10-15 years before my father passed, he became more concerned that he was getting older and could no longer help his 6 children like he used to and tried to compensate with generosity and materialistically. I for one always told him there was no need for that and that his love, support and kindness throughout my life was enough and that where I was in life and what I had accomplished was all due to him. If I were you, I'd try to make sure that it was "all" for the right reasons and go from there. I see everyone so far is very willing to take it without any deeper thought behind it. If you do take it, I would think about how to repay (financially and supportively) your father for it. Financially, you could sell everything you have in the Dart and give it to him for his Challenger project along with sending him so $ when you have it (as if you were sending it for the Dart) or you if you don't think he would accept it, buy pieces for his Challenger project. As for being supportive, I'll leave that up to you. Good luck with your decision.
If you take the car you treat it like he's riding in it with you every time you fire it up.
If your dad passed away (God forbid) you would get the car probably . This way he can see you enjoy it while hes still around . Sometimes we dads like to make the feel good sacrifices . By the way what part of Washington , kinda looks like my neck of the woods.
I, personally, would have some hesitation taking it. I would wait a bit until you can see hm in person to discuss it. Of course, I would be overly appreciative until then but would want to make sure that it's not out of guilt for not getting your Dart "where it should be". The 10-15 years before my father passed, he became more concerned that he was getting older and could no longer help his 6 children like he used to and tried to compensate with generosity and materialistically. I for one always told him there was no need for that and that his love, support and kindness throughout my life was enough and that where I was in life and what I had accomplished was all due to him. If I were you, I'd try to make sure that it was "all" for the right reasons and go from there. I see everyone so far is very willing to take it without any deeper thought behind it. If you do take it, I would think about how to repay (financially and supportively) your father for it. Financially, you could sell everything you have in the Dart and give it to him for his Challenger project along with sending him so $ when you have it (as if you were sending it for the Dart) or you if you don't think he would accept it, buy pieces for his Challenger project. As for being supportive, I'll leave that up to you. Good luck with your decision.
Very good thinking... Today we decided that I should give him my Dart for the RR, and then I'd send him 10k over the next year or two for the rest... I have like 18k into my car mechanically, so there's some really great parts on it...

That I think will make us both not too guilty, lol :) His friend just pretty much gave him a 70 Dart with a perfect body, running n driving, so he might pop all my parts on that car and sell my heap...

I am going up there to help him clean out his storage unit in October (which is stuffed with only car parts), and also clean out the whole downstairs of his old place that he used to rent, that his buddy is REALLY wanting him to finish moving out of from a year ago...

We are also gonna go on an ANTELOPE HUNT while I'm there out in Montana!!! Super awesome :)

Anyways... I think we hashed out something livable for him, and a whopping blessing for me, so life is good! praise the Lord :)
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If your dad passed away (God forbid) you would get the car probably . This way he can see you enjoy it while hes still around . Sometimes we dads like to make the feel good sacrifices . By the way what part of Washington , kinda looks like my neck of the woods.
Spokane, WA
Spokane, WA
So, update:
I just settled the deal with my Dad, and I am gonna give him my Dart for like 10 k off the price of the road runner, give him 5k, and pay him off 10k over the next 2 years... I'll end up paying like 25k for it.

I really like it, and it's super crazy fast! One of the coolest cars ever made...

I will always cherish it and never sell it...

I'm gonna go pick it up in a few months when all the snow melts up in Spokane, WA. :)


1969 road runner ad.jpg