Race car & trailer got taken out at stop light



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Corsicana, Tx
Driving home from a test'n'tune on a Sunday afternoon in broad daylight, I was at a stoplight in a 45mph zone when some guy hit the trailer from behind. Cops say he was doing 45 to 50. Never even touched the brakes! 3 weeks later and insurance co. still hasn't made an offer. Trailer is totaled, race car ('70 Duster) is mechanically ok, no frame damage, but over $12,000 in body damage. I thought the dangerous part was going down the track, not trying to drive home!
My guess, looking at phone while driving???

It's a shame, sorry for your damage and the hassle of dealing with it all...
My guess, looking at phone while driving???

It's a shame, sorry for your damage and the hassle of dealing with it all...
Texting appears to be the cause. It's kind of hard to miss seeing that big ole' trailer sitting there when you are coming down the road.
Man that sucks! Hope the insurance co makes it good.
All the hard work we put into our hobby just to have some dumb *** f@#* it all up in a second.
No, he wasn't and no airbag went off. The 13 year old girl in the back seat wasn't wearing a seatbelt either.
Well good for him, ( too bad for the kid ) Maybe he'll wake the fk up next time he gets behind the wheel.
Good luck, assholes like this don't deserve to drive.
Darwinism. Too bad he already procreated another non seatbelt wearer....What kind of car is that? people here buy salvaged cars with depolyed airbags, replace front sheetmetal and just take the airbag guts out and drive them again. I hope all your stuff gets covered and no one was seriously hurt.
It would be nice to have your insurance pay for it and let them go after the other insurance company.
May not be possible, but insurance companies are the lowest form of life and I'm apprehensive about the other drive's company doing the right thing.
I hope you have plenty if underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. I bet that car has the base minimum coverage.
That is the way Fl. does it. No fault state. Your own insurance pays then they go after the other guy and his insurance.
Driving home from a test'n'tune on a Sunday afternoon in broad daylight, I was at a stoplight in a 45mph zone when some guy hit the trailer from behind. Cops say he was doing 45 to 50. Never even touched the brakes! 3 weeks later and insurance co. still hasn't made an offer. Trailer is totaled, race car ('70 Duster) is mechanically ok, no frame damage, but over $12,000 in body damage. I thought the dangerous part was going down the track, not trying to drive home!
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dam retard , don't give up even if u have to sue him and have his check quarsheed for ever !
Darwinism. Too bad he already procreated another non seatbelt wearer....What kind of car is that? people here buy salvaged cars with depolyed airbags, replace front sheetmetal and just take the airbag guts out and drive them again. I hope all your stuff gets covered and no one was seriously hurt.
It looks like a ford with coded entry on the door.
That sucks man. I hope it all turns out good for you. Glad no one was hurt.
I agree with adriver above... you pay your insurance company to take care of you, make the claim through them and let their lawyers fight with the other drivers lawyers. That way you get your damages up front. There's nobody more effective than an insurance company for dragging all the funds due from another insurance company. I got rear ended a year ago while going to a show in the 70 Dart in my avatar. I even got my deductible back when the other guy's company paid out. If you have no fault it shouldn't effect your rates at all.
Huge bummer and I hope you get proper compensation... I'm fearful of something like this happening to my Duster once it's back running which is why I'm going with full comprehensive classic car insurance this time. Before it was just another car on my parents' Nationwide policy with minimal liability coverage so if it had gotten hit I probably would have been screwed, or at the mercy of the other driver's insurance. Plus they wouldn't raise the value from the $3000 it was purchased for without a full appraisal, complete records of all repairs/mods and a bunch of other hoops to jump through.
out of curiosity, would you mind naming the other guy's insurance company? My nemesis has been Allstate. They've tried screwing me multiple times.