Anyone know this car?



Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Buford, GA
Seen the video several times. Have to turn the audio off because of the jackasses laughing like hyenas. :rolleyes: Just wondering if anyone knows what caused the failure.

Yeah seen it several times. Think the people laughing like a couple grade school girls, would have stopped to make sure the people are ok. But, I guess they would rather just see someone get hurt and ruin a nice car.
I've said this before about that video. I think it's a setup. Think of how many things had to fail for that to happen....and at a relatively low rate of speed. I thought it was BS first time I saw it and still do. They were laughing before it ever happened. They knew it was comin.
I'm sorry but I just laugh my arse off every time I see that. Can't help it.

It looks like someone didn't tighten all their stuff up and it got loose. Luckily, it happened at a relatively slow speed. Freeway speed and that happens and people will get hurt. Or dead.

You can't fix stupid and that was caused by stupid.

I will say again that is hilarious. A few little farts and then the car craps out the rear axle.

My initial thought when I saw it was heim joints. I say that because it happened after a lot of side loading making the turn. That and not having a pan hard bar to limit side loading. Heims are used all over aircraft but move in a linear motion. That was my thoughts. But don’t really know.
Will ladder bars fail like that? Second car had em. Couldn't see the first.
Seen the video several times. Have to turn the audio off because of the jackasses laughing like hyenas. :rolleyes: Just wondering if anyone knows what caused the failure.

The ******* idiots blabbering incoherently about make you want to......I'm thinking Louisville Slugger...that would about do it....make that video disappear please!!:BangHead:
Hard to believe someone would stage something like that and destroy a car that looked pretty nice, at least in the video. Thought maybe someone here might have known the true story.
The ******* idiots blabbering incoherently about make you want to......I'm thinking Louisville Slugger...that would about do it....make that video disappear please!!:BangHead:
Now that's funny and I agree about the Louisville.
Seen the video several times. Have to turn the audio off because of the jackasses laughing like hyenas. :rolleyes: Just wondering if anyone knows what caused the failure.

lowest bidder doing the work maybe, kinda like the Morton-Thiokol o-ring