Chinese made crap replacement parts



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Is anybody else sick and tired of spending money on Chinese made crap parts that absolutely suck? Recently I have bought quite a bit of mostly small parts to redo some things on the Duster and I've slung a tool or two on more than one occasion while trying to install some of this crap! The example I'll use is a replacement steering coupler kit. First the new shoes did not fit on the pin in the shaft without reaming them, then I discovered that the spring metal piece that hold the shoes was not even wide enough to hold the shoes. I ended up reusing some of my old stuff anyway to make things work. I could go on and on because this was not the only "quality" part I had the pleasure of trying to make work. I know this is not the vendor's fault, because they only sell what they can get, and all of the vendors that I bought from were well known "names" not just a eBay seller. This type of stuff really takes the fun out of the hobby I've been involved with for the last nearly 50 years! Oh well..........rant over!
I hear you brother! Typically, I'll try to get good used condition original parts. 65'
i think rusty called it "chinesium"

which i have recently upgraded to "covidian"
Is anybody else sick and tired of spending money on Chinese made crap parts that absolutely suck? Recently I have bought quite a bit of mostly small parts to redo some things on the Duster and I've slung a tool or two on more than one occasion while trying to install some of this crap! The example I'll use is a replacement steering coupler kit. First the new shoes did not fit on the pin in the shaft without reaming them, then I discovered that the spring metal piece that hold the shoes was not even wide enough to hold the shoes. I ended up reusing some of my old stuff anyway to make things work. I could go on and on because this was not the only "quality" part I had the pleasure of trying to make work. I know this is not the vendor's fault, because they only sell what they can get, and all of the vendors that I bought from were well known "names" not just a eBay seller. This type of stuff really takes the fun out of the hobby I've been involved with for the last nearly 50 years! Oh well..........rant over!

Was it the Dorman kit? I was just looking at mine the other day and noticed the same sort of issues.
Is anybody else sick and tired of spending money on Chinese made crap parts that absolutely suck? Recently I have bought quite a bit of mostly small parts to redo some things on the Duster and I've slung a tool or two on more than one occasion while trying to install some of this crap! The example I'll use is a replacement steering coupler kit. First the new shoes did not fit on the pin in the shaft without reaming them, then I discovered that the spring metal piece that hold the shoes was not even wide enough to hold the shoes. I ended up reusing some of my old stuff anyway to make things work. I could go on and on because this was not the only "quality" part I had the pleasure of trying to make work. I know this is not the vendor's fault, because they only sell what they can get, and all of the vendors that I bought from were well known "names" not just a eBay seller. This type of stuff really takes the fun out of the hobby I've been involved with for the last nearly 50 years! Oh well..........rant over!
I'm done, I will pay more or go with out.
Well now that those slimy bastards gave us Covid maybe we'll smarten up and start making our own stuff again .We should start a boycott movement of all their **** and force the corporations to start producing here.Money talks and if they aren't getting ours they will change.
I just returned a set of rotors, Advance Auto. Third time this has happened. I'll call it delaminating. The machined surface flakes off. I was still under the 2 year warranty period with this set. My wife asks me why I keep buying their ****. That's the price you pay for moving from Pittsburgh to the burbs. I told her that their stuff is now Carquest brand, better quality but still Chinese. There is a NAPA in Monongahela, but they aren't always open.
Yep I will use a slightly worn used original part before any more of this Chinese crap it is literally a crap shoot on what you get and if it will fit right or not
Mopar authentic parts...says so on the box....1970 Moapr Duster Tail lights...bought from Classic Industry $320 dollars.....and they could not spell mopar correctly....not cheap...



Doubt they'll ever consider the U.S for any manufacturing of replacement parts, not with the Lean manufacturing bastards.
Is anybody else sick and tired of spending money on Chinese made crap parts that absolutely suck? Recently I have bought quite a bit of mostly small parts to redo some things on the Duster and I've slung a tool or two on more than one occasion while trying to install some of this crap! The example I'll use is a replacement steering coupler kit. First the new shoes did not fit on the pin in the shaft without reaming them, then I discovered that the spring metal piece that hold the shoes was not even wide enough to hold the shoes. I ended up reusing some of my old stuff anyway to make things work. I could go on and on because this was not the only "quality" part I had the pleasure of trying to make work. I know this is not the vendor's fault, because they only sell what they can get, and all of the vendors that I bought from were well known "names" not just a eBay seller. This type of stuff really takes the fun out of the hobby I've been involved with for the last nearly 50 years! Oh well..........rant over!

Mopar authentic parts...says so on the box....1970 Moapr Duster Tail lights...bought from Classic Industry $320 dollars.....and they could not spell mopar correctly....not cheap...

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Chinese parts are like a product you buy that has Chinese directions written in English.
(close, but not quite right)

Well now that those slimy bastards gave us Covid maybe we'll smarten up and start making our own stuff again .We should start a boycott movement of all their **** and force the corporations to start producing here.Money talks and if they aren't getting ours they will change.
They didn't "give" us anything.
"We" allowed it to take the toll it is taking by hoping it would just go away and not affect "our" re election.
It's so hilarious that you guys blame the Chinese for all of this. Because more likely than not your Chinese made parts were outsourced there by an American company. Which means the American company is the one making the quality control decisions that you're all complaining about. It's not like the factory workers know what those parts fit, or that the parts they're making don't fit. They're just manufacturing to a spec sent by the company. Dorman, AC Delco, Carquest, Moog, etc., etc, could all pitch a fit and raise their quality control standards. But they don't, because it's cheaper not to. Just greedy Americans behind all of it.

Mopar authentic parts...says so on the box....1970 Moapr Duster Tail lights...bought from Classic Industry $320 dollars.....and they could not spell mopar correctly....not cheap...

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As long as the licensing fee gets paid.

They'll move from China to India or another low wage country.

Yeah, "they". Except "they" is probably an American CEO the majority of the time. And you're right, if China raises its standards and costs we'll just go somewhere cheaper.
Most if not all of the "Mopar Performance" parts (Proform) are Chinesium garbage. Do you think "FCA" cares about old Mopars? ONLY if you are interested in a new HEMI swap.
Sad to see they couldn't even spell Mopar right.
I should probably just shut up and move along to the next post, but old habits die hard
I agree with bluNblu, you can't blame the Chinese, if you want to blame someone blame greedy CEOs who only care about the bottom dollar, and where the shareholder comes first and the customer comes second
I used to work in a toy store in the 90s and this is a true story
Rubbermaid/ little tikes made an excellent product, if you bought a little tikes product for your child, chances are your grandchildren would still be using it
Well a certain retail outlet that begins with a W bought about 25% of their total production(maybe more it's been 30 years ago)
well this retailer told Rubbermaid they would have to lower the price of their storage containers or they would have to start purchasing from a different company
Rubbermaid explained that they could not lower the price and continue to make them in the USA
The retailer told them" well you'll have to make them somewhere else then"
Rubbermaid told them to F off, and now the retailer carries cheap sterilite storage containers made in China, and Rubbermaid almost went out of business
I'll admit I shop Alibaba and Ali express a lot(for those who don't know that's the Chinese Amazon)
If I'm going to buy Chinese stuff anyway, I'll save myself a few bucks and cut the Walton family out of it
Ok, rant over, moving along
Just received a Yukon brand Dana 44 carrier today, in small print it says made in India!
How about blaming us as well? Be it a toaster, or hair dryer..... How many times do we price check and nail the 14.95 product and say "can you believe the other place wanted 27.95?" Consumers buy, and CEO's want profit and to stay in business. We the consumers chased low prices for 40 years now, so most companies need to manufacture over seas to stay competitive.
Ross Perot was right about NAFTA. Hear that sucking sound? Those are your jobs! Between politicians and CEO's they sold out the American workers. It's still alive and well today! I've been in the automotive industry for 31 years and see it first hand everyday. 65'
Yea I got some window cranks I was really excited about them. I cant afford alot of nice stuff and I havent really spent any money on cosmetic stuff. I found these window cranks on ebay in some car restoration store for like 20 bucks they where supposed to be authentic :rolleyes: I got them yesterday and was so disappointed with them. I honestly dont know if I will even use them. I think I'd rather use my pitted age warn ones. First off the handle part the black part is alot smaller than the original one. Like noticalble smaller, and instead of being the soft rubber like the original its just a hard black plastic, And the center silver part isnt even centered it's off like way off. And they do not turn freely it's really wonky and stiff. And worst of all the screw is a allen head inside of the original Phillip's. I dont like it at all I'm so disappointed I was really hoping to have something nice in my interior lol. I probably will put them up and keep it as a backup just in case I ever break one or get another project that dont have any at all. But I dont think I'm gonna use them.
Couldn’t agree more with how every major American parts supplier is beholden to their shareholders and give zero eff’s about the consumer. They’re all bidding to the lowest overseas manufacturer - at this point.

I’ve seen this exact same “cheap out-sourced parts” discussion come up on different model/make site forums.

The best thing we can do, as a community helping each other out, is list the parts that have performed as well (or better) than the OEM.
Oh yea, we're to blame too, we live in a disposable society
Any old timers remember when you could rebuild a fuel pump? Go buy brushes for a starter? The TV tube tester at radio shack?
Now we just throw it away or turn in the core so they can send it to china to be rebuilt, then sold to us again in a year when the new/ old part we bought failed
I should probably just shut up and move along to the next post, but old habits die hard
I agree with bluNblu, you can't blame the Chinese, if you want to blame someone blame greedy CEOs who only care about the bottom dollar, and where the shareholder comes first and the customer comes second
I used to work in a toy store in the 90s and this is a true story
Rubbermaid/ little tikes made an excellent product, if you bought a little tikes product for your child, chances are your grandchildren would still be using it
Well a certain retail outlet that begins with a W bought about 25% of their total production(maybe more it's been 30 years ago)
well this retailer told Rubbermaid they would have to lower the price of their storage containers or they would have to start purchasing from a different company
Rubbermaid explained that they could not lower the price and continue to make them in the USA
The retailer told them" well you'll have to make them somewhere else then"
Rubbermaid told them to F off, and now the retailer carries cheap sterilite storage containers made in China, and Rubbermaid almost went out of business
I'll admit I shop Alibaba and Ali express a lot(for those who don't know that's the Chinese Amazon)
If I'm going to buy Chinese stuff anyway, I'll save myself a few bucks and cut the Walton family out of it
Ok, rant over, moving along
Boy you have the wrong attitude.
We dont care who started it or why we just want rid of them.
OBTW I stopped shopping at Walmart two years ago.
Wise up
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Wouldn't be nice to have a product review forum, (pay attention FABO) that way we can support the vendors and manufacturers who care about quality, and put the others on notice, that they best straighten up.