about a bad buyer Bigboy68

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
mansfield ohio
dont ever sell any thing to BIGBOY 68, he always wants you to hood it, till his next check comes, then he says he will pay you, but when your expecting payment he sends a email saying he dont have the money to do it he has several negative red marks now, just saying
The guy has a shitty reputation here for exactly the same thing that you mentioned.
Just pay me and Ill send it. No tickey-no washey. It takes a pretty established member here for me to hold anything for and even that isn't a lock.
Mods better shut this down before it starts hurting feelings........

He recently wanted me to do the same exact thing for stuff I am selling....not gonna happen. He has a bad rap here, even when he was under his different usernames awhile back, think he’s been banned before as well....I’m sure some members here remember him....

I am looking for some parts and he posted on my ad and wanted 4 times what it was worth, turns out the part came from another member here that he got almost for free....funny thing is I had 3 different FABO members here message me and warned me of him and that part and how he got it....there was already drama and was told to “run like hell”
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Is this the same guy that would buy something and then resell it before it’s even been paid for?
Dam I finally finished a transaction with him on some gauges I was selling which it took him since December to finally pay me which I’ll never do that again. Said the same thing too. Did threaten him if he doesn’t pay me at a certain time I’m keeping his deposit. Did get the rest of the money after that but dam I probably missed a shitloaf of opportunities but trying to be a nice guy and yeah it took way to long. lessoned learned.
dont ever sell any thing to BIGBOY 68, he always wants you to hood it, till his next check comes, then he says he will pay you, but when your expecting payment he sends a email saying he dont have the money to do it he has several negative red marks now, just saying
He was banned by myself multiple times and he just cried a river to Joey. He was finally banned by someone else. He has several different user names.

I rang the alarm bell but was told to sit and be quite.

Mods better shut this down before it starts hurting feelings........


Yeaaaaa, that ain’t happening.....

Not only is he a bad buyer, he's a bad seller too.... :icon_fU:
Oh yea! He is Mr. misrepresentation
Is this the same guy that would buy something and then resell it before it’s even been paid for?
Yup! And it actually gets slimy and them slimmer than that.
He stuck his nose in a thread about a transaction on here that was getting hashed out and he had his chest out pounding it..... It got squashed.....

I understand you can't fix everything or remove members from this site for how he handles business but the guy has no business buying or selling on here. Waste of time and he needs to go away....

He did the same **** to me over a carb I was selling. Finally told another interested party he could have it. Here, he did the same thing to him. Then the asshole had the nerve to ask If I recieved his check for the carb. I told him no and, I dont do business with people who play games. He told me he hoped I get the corona virus. He needs to go now and, forever. F'n wacko.
Guys like this ruin it for everybody else.
Guess if i was selling parts i would add bigboy excluded from sale. And no holds.
Im disappointed that the can do this kind of **** and no body can get his address and pay him a visit.
That should never be necessary.
There has been situations on other forums,police involved and fraud charges laid. This hasnt gone that far,nor as far as i can tell has he actually ripped anybody off.
No laws against being a sheister.
He pulled this garbage on me a couple years ago with a 4 speed I was selling.I quickly relisted it on craigslist and sold it for more than he was supposed to pay for it so I didn't bother making an issue out of it. I'd never consider selling to him after that though.
I can’t believe this POS is still not banned. He got me with the same song and dance. This is when the ignore list is in order USE IT!
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