words that irk me



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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someone suggested a book to me the other day, so i started reading it
not even 3 sentences in, the writer refers to themselves as an "expat" and i got to tell you...there are few things i dislike more then people referring to themselves as expats

i took some time to think about it, and i think it is the lack or commitment and general sense of thanklessness to the host country

somehow, when someone says "expat" i hear "parasite"

anyone else notice that?
Yes, I agree.
Another one I hate is ''gender neutral''.
Or ''I identify as a ______'' (fill in the blank)
Stupid. Used as a Noun. A manager of mine use to brag about calling his Son in-law that because he had a stutter. I met the young man and all I saw was someone trying to carve their life out and was a Volunteer for a local Fire department.

Stupid actions maybe. But not stupid as a person. Call someone that and you lost me in the conversation....

Stupid. Used as a Noun. A manager of mine use to brag about calling his Son in-law that because he had a stutter. I met the young man and all I saw was someone trying to carve their life out and was a Volunteer for a local Fire department.

Stupid actions maybe. But not stupid as a person. Call someone that and you lost me in the conversation....

Webster: "lacking interest or point" a stupid event. In other words, something that carries no meaning.
It can also be used as a noun...."A stupid person"!! Someone who stutters is not stupid.
Webster: "lacking interest or point" a stupid event. In other words, something that carries no meaning.
It can also be used as a noun...."A stupid person"!! Someone who stutters is not stupid.

Couldn't agree more. It was a case of a Bully who found a victim. Glad I am no longer a part of that guy.... He will answer for it one day...

Most people are stupid and full of chit. Pretty easy to weed them out after a few minutes of them flapping their yap, also young folks like 24 that talk like they've been everywhere an done everything twice, but even worse is the older adults that believe them...a real life example I was on a tour bus once listening to a young buy maybe 21 talking and hes telling everyone who would listen " i am a combat medic" ..having been to Iraq in the military I naturally asked something like "oh really? where ya been...?" kid proceeds to say he has to complete basic and then the school..i say loud enough for everyone to hear "..oh, you haven't been to tech school yet eh...?"

bullshitter putting cart before the horse, he isnt a combat medic till he graduates the school, till then a trainee...
People who can't/ won't "speak up" even when asked, and people who won't enunciate. And people who say, like, you know, like, "like" a lot, like?
...he isnt a combat medic till he graduates the school, till then a trainee...

And has performed his duty in a situation which has entitled him to wear one of these.
Webster: "lacking interest or point" a stupid event. In other words, something that carries no meaning.
It can also be used as a noun...."A stupid person"!! Someone who stutters is not stupid.
My oldest boy has a stutter...High school summa cum laude: 4 year Latin, 3.9 GPA all college prep/Honors/AP classes and 4 years Soccer so homework time was limited...Stupid, I would say NOT!
I dont like the word "amazing". Overused in every dating situation on my wifes TLC channel shows. Neither do I like the acronym PC and what it stands for. Who's to say what is correct or not?

Some gal on npr said a guy was 'literally glowing with excitement'

Um if he was literally glowing with excitement, you must be referring to his electrons' excitement, and he should probably see a doctor right stat now.
People who can't/ won't "speak up" even when asked, and people who won't enunciate. And people who say, like, you know, like, "like" a lot, like?
People who won’t talk so that others can understand them and then ***** because they mumble and nobody understood them.
Webster: "lacking interest or point" a stupid event. In other words, something that carries no meaning.
It can also be used as a noun...."A stupid person"!! Someone who stutters is not stupid.
I always thought "stupid" meant "mute"
"Tranny" for transmission and "dizzy" for distributor.

My big one lately is "person or people of color". Like bein a honky somehow means you have no color at all.