Dog Food Thief



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
I noticed a small hole in the bottom of a 20 kilo sack of dog food kibble (and some rodent droppings around). Later that evening, Camelia the Doberman was sniffing around there after hearing something scurry in the corner after dark.

Set a small mouse trap with a scrap of cheese, which was triggered when it got dark but the varmint got away. I saw something run around in the dark which looked to be much larger than a field mouse.

Set four sticky traps on top of outside fridge in the area (using 12 kibble bits and two crumbs of hard, dry, stinky old cheese) in a spot where one would have to cross the traps to reach the "bait". Heard a noise after dark and found the sticky traps upended on top of the fridge but no catch.

Put the traps on the floor around the bottom of the fridge. Soon heard another commotion-all four feet were stuck to a trap, but the varmint was trying like hell to pull himself/herself free. Grabbed a nearby broom and used the wooden handle end to finish him/her off. The broom handle split in two during the scuffle. Apparently got my adrenaline up during the "kill".

I got 3 yesterday with peanut butter and old school snap traps. I’ve been using the glue boards, putting a small dab of PD in the center and a few pellets of Rat-X... I’m not a huge fan of the glue traps as it’s a slow painful death, as a snap trap is like a bug and windshield...
Took me 3 or 4 days to catch this one one time. It was to smart for traps but not for a glue board with trap on it. Talk about a POed mouse. My cats didn't mind tho.
That's what good cats are for. I walked out the back door a few days ago and I see a mouse head......some guts.....and a mouse *** and tail all about a foot or so apart each and Sarah, our Siamese and the only in and out cat is sittin on the patio bathing. lol Cats are nature's perfect killers.
Had a heck of a time using snap traps over the years. Until I learned to wrap a couple of rounds around the business tip with a few turns of thread/string and then smear peanut butter on the string. Even if they lick the peanut butter gone. They always pull on the thread/string. Never fails.
I never have a problem with snap traps. Trick is to shove a peanut in there so deep and hard that they have to get aggressive to get to it. Hardly even need to reload the peanut on subsequent uses. Also put them along the edge of the room up against the wall. That's where they like to travel.
Put a trap in an almost empty bag of chips. Works like a charm
A piece of plastic pipe on a rod in the mouth of a 20L pail put PB on middle of pipe,mouse walks on pipe, pipe rolls Monde falls in pail. put about 3” or 4” of your favourite liquid in bottom and a runway to top of pail works great and resets itself automatically. Have used this for years
A piece of plastic pipe on a rod in the mouth of a 20L pail put PB on middle of pipe,mouse walks on pipe, pipe rolls Monde falls in pail. put about 3” or 4” of your favourite liquid in bottom and a runway to top of pail works great and resets itself automatically. Have used this for years
Never worked for me. Wonder what I'm doing wrong?
i made some ramen noodles for the kids the other day
they didnt finish it all so what was left went in the potty

i figured, next time i pee, ill flush it (no sense wasting good water)

so i get up the next morning and go to pee, only to find a dead mouse in the potty
he musta gone in for the soup and drowned in it
I noticed a small hole in the bottom of a 20 kilo sack of dog food kibble (and some rodent droppings around). Later that evening, Camelia the Doberman was sniffing around there after hearing something scurry in the corner after dark.

Set a small mouse trap with a scrap of cheese, which was triggered when it got dark but the varmint got away. I saw something run around in the dark which looked to be much larger than a field mouse.

Set four sticky traps on top of outside fridge in the area (using 12 kibble bits and two crumbs of hard, dry, stinky old cheese) in a spot where one would have to cross the traps to reach the "bait". Heard a noise after dark and found the sticky traps upended on top of the fridge but no catch.

Put the traps on the floor around the bottom of the fridge. Soon heard another commotion-all four feet were stuck to a trap, but the varmint was trying like hell to pull himself/herself free. Grabbed a nearby broom and used the wooden handle end to finish him/her off. The broom handle split in two during the scuffle. Apparently got my adrenaline up during the "kill".

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Id tell you " to invent a better mouse trap" but its already been done too many times
Friend was a exterminator for about 3 months, couldnt take it. But he had some good stories. Warehouse complained of a "bad rat problem" they set traps and got a few but still a big issue. So they went rogue and filled the toilets with poison over a closed weekend. 0600 monday morning they go to clean up any 'evidence' (poison in sanitary sewers is forbidden for obvious reasons) and they find 80 dead rats on the bathroom floor. I think that made him look for new work.
we were leaving our back patio door cracked open so the old dog could leave at will and take care of business without waking us up at 0200. That stopped when we found food all over the floor and evidence of a much larger visitor. That's when we spotted the coon in our tree sleeping.

watching the wildlife...
Rodents are filthy disgusting things.
A lot of people don't know that they piss everywhere they go so they can find their way back to where they came from.
I have a kitty that takes care of them pronto.
The only mouse problem I have is picking up the remaining pieces in the morning which I gladly do.
I usually give them the 2 flush salute....
Rodents are filthy disgusting things.
A lot of people don't know that they piss everywhere they go so they can find their way back to where they came from.
I have a kitty that takes care of them pronto.
The only mouse problem I have is picking up the remaining pieces in the morning which I gladly do.
I usually give them the 2 flush salute....
Rats were the reason for the Bubonic Plague, which killed millions. In Europe, they carried fleas that were infected with the virus, stowed away in ships, got off in a new place.
i made some ramen noodles for the kids the other day
they didnt finish it all so what was left went in the potty

i figured, next time i pee, ill flush it (no sense wasting good water)

so i get up the next morning and go to pee, only to find a dead mouse in the potty
he musta gone in for the soup and drowned in it
Maybe your cooking lol