Throwing in the towel


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So I guess all good things come to an end.

I have been driving a 68 dart for several years and I've driven a whole lot of miles. I've had good times and some bad, did a lot of repairs on the side of highway and that never got me down.
The dart is a GTS by vin number but when I bought it, I literally had to dig it out from where it was. It had NO driveline, NO suspension, NO k frame. It was a body shell with the interior. Has the GTS bucket seats and the original 4 speed hump.

I got it running with a slant six and a 833 OD because that is what I had laying around and I was on a mega budget in those days.
With the slant six, it ran reliable and I put a lot of miles on the car over several years. It was and is my little buddy.

But sadly, at the end of last week, I was being followed too closely in the slow lane by a newer Subaru outback, and it hit me and pushed me into the shoulder of the road. Ruined the GTS trunk lid trim panel, bent the bottom lip of deck lid in, and pushed the bumper in more towards the passenger side.
Not catastrophic damage, I can fix it but with a lot of effort. I'm getting an insurance check for it and the Subaru got a ticket.

The car got towed off the highway and I got towed to the human garage (hospital) via an ambulance but I am OK, and I'm going to be OK.

Really got me thinking if such an old car belongs in this jungle of asshole drivers going too damn fast. Gone are the 60s when this car was new and people drove conservatively and considerate.
I had the car towed home and put her in the barn, but I'm in no mood to try to fix it now.

I also gave in this week and bought a newer car, so I'm not sure it will ever be the same now.

I might fix it and use for occasions or maybe just sell someday. There doesn't seem to be as much interest in box darts (67-9) these days as there was when I bought this one (2014).

Be careful out there, this world is crazy.
Sorry to read this. You don't strike me as one to give up.
a newer car is definitely safer. just a fact. my old cars have always been fun toys but have no desire to daily drive them. prefer the comfort, mpg, a/c and better heat and the better reliability of a newer car. sounds like you are finding this out now.
Sometimes it takes a scare to see the light. I’m not sure there’s a single study/report/evidence which proves the older cars prior to this millennium are safer than anything built past 2000.

Regardless how many miles you drive, your modern car purchase has just increased your chances of not being seriously hurt when the next accident occurs.
Same reason I got off of Harley’s. People only drive faster, and pay less attention every year.

My Dart is a toy, something to relieve some stress and focus on as a hobby. I did a solid 10 years of daily driving old Mopar cars and trucks in major cities before I wised up. It’s not worth the stress or liability.

Now I drive a late model Japanese car that I just put gas in and change the oil twice a year . I mean it’s a 6 speed with a 200 Hp 4cyl, but it’s a soulless shitbox non the less.

Glad you are still above ground, sorry about your Mopar. The most important lessons are often learned the hard way.

Sorry for you loss, gal. Even the 73's / later are a "little" safer than the older ones

I was born in 48, and remember my Dad having a Model A, (actually I've ridden in at least two of those, one an AA dump truck), an old early '50's Stude pickup, various late 40's/ early 50's GMC/ Chev pickups, a 54 Nash Rambler, and a 54 Nash Ambassador. THAT thing had a SPIKE sticking up from the steering wheel that would be GUARANTEED to kill your ***.

People only drive faster, and pay less attention every year.
No Kidding!!! Where I live, the speed limit on most 4 lane main streets is 40. If you drive 40 (and I do because I follow the rules), people will pass you like you are standing still. And a lot of them will honk at you and sometimes flip you off for being so arrogant as to only drive the speed limit.
No Kidding!!! Where I live, the speed limit on most 4 lane main streets is 40. If you drive 40 (and I do because I follow the rules), people will pass you like you are standing still. And a lot of them will honk at you and sometimes flip you off for being so arrogant as to only drive the speed limit.
I’m a truck driver by trade, I see some absolutely atrocious behavior on the road. I had an emergency vehicle coming at me on a 4 lane, I was in the left lane (28ft box truck) I signaled, got over and stopped on the right side of the road as it passed. Once I got going again a car cuts in front of me at 35mph, slams on their brakes and a 60 yr old lady flips me off, then drives away. I guess she must have been in the right lane and was forced to stop because I did, as you are supposed to by law.
The newer car isn't going to keep the morons from tailgating.
Take a timeout, paint your nails, put your hair up and kick back and enjoy life.
You're young and I'm sure the classic Mopar bug will bite again, until then..... be safe and enjoy.
Bottom line is your OK thank God. As a everyday driver myself I wouldn't drive my old car, to many distracted drivers who drive to fast and have zero consideration or concern for others
If anyone thinks drivers today are bad try being a pedestrian in more populated areas, than you really see distracted drivers who are either in a hurry or just dont care if they hit you. Crosswalks are the worst.
You can always find yourself another old car and stay in the hobby.
Put the car away for a spell and let it sit. Fix it later if there is a desire. Things like this are similar to sailing a ship on the open sea and then the wind suddenly stops. All the fun drains away. The wind will pick up later.

Show us a picture of the car if you would.
First off, I'm glad you are OK. Cars can be fixed, sometimes people cannot. It's a lousy thing when someone else's stupidity results in the damage/loss of something you valued. Just like @MidnightSwinger, I've been in trucking over 45 years, and the horrible driving habits of people is mind-boggling. I also stopped riding my Harley after some brain dead woman pulled out in front of me from a side street (I had
right of way) while I was in my Explorer. The wreck totaled her Prius and mangled the front end of my Ford. Had I been on my bike I'd not be here today to tell that story.

I agree with Rumble above. Don't do anything you can't un-do later. Put a tarp over it and come back in a while. Some time may make it worthwhile to fix the damage. It may not. But disappointment often eases with time, you may want to get back into it a little later.
I'm glad to hear you're okay.
From the sounds of it, you found a car that was stripped of all it's performance stuff after someone gave up on it and put it back on the road again only to enjoy it for a lot of years.
You saved it...
Now is the time for you to step back and let the dust settle a bit and save it again...
@Princess Valiant Glad to know that you are OK Naomi! Cars can be replaced. Classic cars are better to use on occasions that are special. When I drive my classics during the work day, it seems that no one is paying any attention to how unsafe they may be driving. It seems to be different on weekends though.

Drive your newer car; enjoy the air conditioning and cruise control; save your life with its airbags. God bless you!
The main thing is you are ok. It is not really an old car / new car thing. The majority of drivers are friggin crazy and then add on the volume (in many areas in the USA) and driving is not as enjoyable as it once was. I don't feel at ease driving old or new stuff.
Glad to hear you’re ok. I got about totaled in my dart the other day by a tweaker lady not paying attention. My brakes work a lot better than I thought. What new car did you get?
Like said the important thing is that you are OK.
That wreck and damage to your car is an emotional hit for sure. I agree let the dust settle.
It was the other parties fault right, I would have them repair the car totally by a shop of your choosing and also furnish you a rental car till job is done. Nothing else would be acceptable, otherwise bring in a good lawyer.
Really got me thinking if such an old car belongs in this jungle of asshole drivers going too damn fast. Gone are the 60s when this car was new and people drove conservatively and considerate.
These days I find even if the traffic is light there always some yo-yo that will crowd ya' on a two highway. If it's two lanes the same direction, they'll just have to run alongside for miles. Doesn't matter what year, make, or color car ya' drive.

...................... but I am OK, and I'm going to be OK.
That's what we like to hear!

.....I'm not sure it will ever be the same now.
Maybe a good time to just take a vacation?

...........and take the towel with!
Really glad to know that you are ok, the car can be fixed, when you feel the desire to do so. In the meantime, like so many others have said already, drive the newer vehicle, and try to avoid all the brain dead dummies on the road. I too am a commercial driver and have seen countless incidents of completely clueless drivers who have no idea what the hell they are doing. It seems like the bar has been lowered so much so that all one needs is a faint pulse to acquire a driver's license today. It doesn't matter where you are, I've been all over North America, it's gotten bad everywhere.

Please post some photos of the Dart, many of us would love to see it, even though it's hurting.
I say, drive what makes YOU happy.

The fewer people, the less traffic, the easier to enjoy driving our old cars. Anyone at anytime can rear end any car, old or new or in between. I miss rural Missouri tp drive in. This T county has one trafficlight, and that is becasue ofthe HSdown the road. But it is close enough to cjit hole Houston, that the county is fairly populated. People that drive in city traffic become brain dead.
It's not a decision you're taking lightly. I'm sorry to read about your accident and hope everything will work out for the best.
<< hugs >>

I can admit the 2012 Durango Billy inherited in 2015 is my first choice these days too. It has almost 32,000 miles now. The only dent is where his Doberman ran into it.
What new car did you get?
I'm turning into my parents, my dad is a huge Mercedes guy so I went with his pick. A 2019 Mercedes S560 coupe.

I really don't like the lack of a clutch pedal and all the gadgets. I do like the power (a lot more than the old slant) and I do like the bumping audio system. I miss the simple old metal dash, but I like the cup holders. I also miss my cute old dog dish hubcaps, now all these cars come with pimp wheels from the factory.