

FABO Gold Member
Sep 7, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Here's where the bug got me........

My first car at 15 was a 1971 Gold Charger. I was too young to get my licence, so my dad plated and insured it as the family car until I was old enough. We put in a set of buckets, and retrofitted it with a Cordoba console and I managed to drive it for about 3 months with my learner's permit before my mom totalled it in an MVC with an early 70's Satellite. Everyone was Ok, but both cars were trashed.

One night my dad came home and asked me if I was interested in a Demon. A friend at his work had 2 for sale for $100 for the pair. One was a rotten 1971 Rustoleum painted V8 Bucket seat car with PS PB and a console. The other was just a 1972 slant shell but was amazingly solid. We decided to strip the rotten one and build the 72. What you see is a year and a half of father/son after school/work before all of the high buck numbers matching data plate stuff that you see today. We finished this car for under $500 including paint (and Bondo).......I think it was a Cadillac colour LOL

Now retired, I am a little more fussy and working on a 1971 numbers 340 Demon. I finished all of the metal work and I just got word that it is starting to see some colour after 2 years at the paint shop. I am told it should be rolling out in the spring straight as an arrow, gaps set, and ready to assemble.........I can only hope!

That's an awesome story and a beautiful car you built with your dad! Those memories are priceless! I'm curious you still have the car?
That's an awesome story and a beautiful car you built with your dad! Those memories are priceless! I'm curious you still have the car?
A funny.......not so funny story

The car was parked at the family home. When my dad passed away, my sister continued living there. Fast forward a bunch of years, my sis moved in her boyfriend......Who is a dick......Told me to get the car out of there or it would be scrapped. Of course, I didn't believe him since I still owned half of the house (I then lived 6 hours away). Friday came, and the complete car went to the wrecking yard. One thing is for certain......He is a man of his word.

I never pushed the issue as I didn't want to be the spark of a volatile situation between him and my sister. Years later, I signed over my half of the house to my sister for free. One day I mentioned the car and how it would have saved me a fortune with my current build and she simply said "sucks to be you"
A funny.......not so funny story

The car was parked at the family home. When my dad passed away, my sister continued living there. Fast forward a bunch of years, my sis moved in her boyfriend......Who is a dick......Told me to get the car out of there or it would be scrapped. Of course, I didn't believe him since I still owned half of the house (I then lived 6 hours away). Friday came, and the complete car went to the wrecking yard. One thing is for certain......He is a man of his word.

I never pushed the issue as I didn't want to be the spark of a volatile situation between him and my sister. Years later, I signed over my half of the house to my sister for free. One day I mentioned the car and how it would have saved me a fortune with my current build and she simply said "sucks to be you"
You Sir are a better man than I.
Great to read about Dad, sorry to read about sis. I have one extremely similar.
You and Dad did good work, I like the color! :thumbsup:
A funny.......not so funny story

The car was parked at the family home. When my dad passed away, my sister continued living there. Fast forward a bunch of years, my sis moved in her boyfriend......Who is a dick......Told me to get the car out of there or it would be scrapped. Of course, I didn't believe him since I still owned half of the house (I then lived 6 hours away). Friday came, and the complete car went to the wrecking yard. One thing is for certain......He is a man of his word.

I never pushed the issue as I didn't want to be the spark of a volatile situation between him and my sister. Years later, I signed over my half of the house to my sister for free. One day I mentioned the car and how it would have saved me a fortune with my current build and she simply said "sucks to be you"