
I received this E-Mail today :

Although it is recommended to purchase your tickets in advance - we will assist anyone at the gate that needs help or only has cash for the $25 spectator tickets.

Carrie Strange| Sponsorship and Event Operations Manager
919 Conference Dr., Suite 4-350 | Goodlettsville, TN 37072
855-346-1369 Ext 703 |Events Line: 615-237-6869 |
I got pretty much the same reply from a different person. Said they strongly encourage people to purchase tickets online, but they do sell tickets at the gate, but there MAY be lines to have to wait in. :eek: Imagine the horrors of having to stand in line for a few minutes and being forced to shoot the bull with other Mopar guys from who knows where!

I have attended for the past 2 years, and am going to be there this weekend. One thing I remember is that the entire event is staffed by Holley employees. They are people that work at the Holley manufacturing plant as engineers, production & office workers etc. They are always very friendly and excited that we are there for their event. For them, it might be a nice break for a few days to get out of the normal grind.

That said, some of the event wonky-ness might be to help these employees be able to navigate running an event, when they are not seasoned "event people".
Geoff, the guy who organizes and manages the swap meet is self employed and runs his own restoration shop. He is very experienced at managing and promoting car shows. His parents started and promoted both Mopars at The Rock, and the Charlotte in the Fall car shows. Geoff has been involved with running shows since he was a little boy. Now he's a BIG ol boy, and still doing a good job, along with his friend Dennis.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I have a 13 hrs ride and been going back and forth. First it was just because of the time factor, then it was the weather...
I'm going forward, weather be dammed. I'm leaving at noon today in my van and driving a leisurely pace, stopping and sleeping overnight along the way. I'm hoping to be there bright and early Friday morning.
I have a 13 hrs ride and been going back and forth. First it was just because of the time factor, then it was the weather...
I'm going forward, weather be dammed. I'm leaving at noon today in my van and driving a leisurely pace, stopping and sleeping overnight along the way. I'm hoping to be there bright and early Friday morning.
I'm driving about 6 hrs each way. For me, sitting in the rain at a car event with a buddy (and having the chance to race) is better than staying home and working on stuff and worrying about life.
as my dad said when me and my brother didn't want to work with him in the rain..."a little clean water never hurt a dirty ***"
I'm back and forth with going as well cause of the weather. It's 15 hrs one way plus the fun at the boarder. Guess I'll have to make a decision soon. Heads or tails ???
Not going to make it after all. My youngest is nurse, still lives at home. She brought home the COVID bug that's going around.
I'm good, but the wife, not so much.
I'm paying for a hotel that I can't stay in, so there's that. Going to see if my credit card company will cover the costs that I prepaid for.
Went Fri. morning Weather was Great,Crowds were a bit smaller Paid cash at spectator entrance,no lines.Learned Holley sold the event to "fM3" productions and Holley was going to Kill the event. I hope this event grows I blame the threat of rains cut down on the vendors and spectators. No General Lee jump either .Prior years did the jump.
I went on their site and looked. It ain't Uncle They are a big marketing outfit, so hopefully they don't kill it because of greed.
I wonder who/what FM3 Productions is? I did a search and all that came up was Ching Chang Chong stuff! :BangHead:
FM3, as it turns out, is owned by Holley.
They handle all of their events and promotions.
Keeps the event side away from manufacturing side of the business.
The weather turned out great. I had mechanical problems with my van at the half way point, and that combined with the weather forecast had me discouraged enough to almost turn around and go home. I saw it through and am glad I did. I met a few guys from the site and watched some Autocross and drags. The swap vendors were sparse, although there were a few parts I was interested and after thinking it over...they were gone. The crowds were pretty good, especially today which was beautiful weather wise. Honestly though it is a long haul out and back, so unless I'm in the area this is probably my last Moparty.
All in all I give it two thumbs up! It not the perfectly organized car show and swap meet that Chrysler Carlisle is but it has far more nonstop action, far better than the Nats recently. I almost didn't go because of the weather outlook but glad I did.
So, when is next years date? We had to leave early this morning due to unforseen circumstances. Prices were EXTREMELY HIGH. Not to many deals. Went to Restoration Spec, as I had contacted them 3 times about a part. They even had someone call me back. No one there had any knowledge about my call. Had no idea what I was talking about. Scratch another one off the list.
Glad to hear it went well. I was on the fence with the weather, but had decided to chance it. My wife testing positive for the COVID sealed the deal to stay home.
I'll try again for next year and we'll see what happens.
Me and my pit crew buddy had a great time @ Moparty. Our 3rd year racing at it. Here is a video of me breaking out during street King Eliminations. Oh well, going too fast is better than too slow!! This ratty looking Cuda is WAYYYY more fun than driving my nice-paint restored car.
