Uncle Tony's take on injection issues.

I had to go look .... wow, he's just hit 400k subs
I find some of his content entertaining. It's certainly better than watching the View on a rainy day. The little 318 in "Bottle Rocket" does sound pretty mean. It definitely has some snap. He wasn't ashamed to admit he was wrong with the original 4-speed OD concept. He swapped the car to automatic and I haven't seen it make a clean pass since (or before really either). I don't think that's his priority and I really don't care one way or the other. He's having fun with junk he screwed together in his garage. He's making a living (it looks like) doing what he enjoys. I don't see any reason to disparage the guy for that.
Yup agree that he's good at. But he lies

Easily, constantly, and with no apparent shame, even when there's real, actual, metal proof he's FOS.

Guess it keeps him in cigarette money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't think I'll ever understand the entertainment appeal of uselessly wrong info presented semi-coherently.
UTG is the Donald Trump of FABO. Those that love him can't wait for the next video, those that hate on him cannot find a reason to live another hour on earth because of his next video... and walking away without looking is NOT an option LOL

What I have learned is the ole' myth on woman chats and how 3 girls cannot hang out together because there has to be gossip and odd person out, is that men are actually worse. And it's not even close.


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Uhhh, no.
UTG has done some real stupid stuff but has also had a few worthy tidbits peppered in among the drivel.
UTG has done some real stupid stuff but has also had a few worthy tidbits peppered in among the drivel.
To be honest I rarely watch him, but he doesn't offend me. Just a guy doing his thing in his corner of the world.
I see lots of insecurity from others as far as Tony is concerned. Why people cannot just let someone do their own thing, I just don't understand.
:lol: kind of like a 318 thread, those that hate them absolutely cannot resist with everything within themselves not to click on it then get angry. LOL
yeah, there's one nut rider that just loves to get into a frothed up frenzy over anything UTG. bro, if he bothers you so damn much then why you bringing him up all the damn time?

it'd be kinda funny if it weren't so sad.
Tony sucks.
He's clickbait and regurgitating well known info...and sometimes false info.
He specializes in crap builds using junk and his modifications are misguided and worthless. When he ports.. he's destroying ****.

A thief and a fake. Fin.
I can understand those who watch his videos for entertainment. However, I do feel sorry for any of his audience who are too ignorant to understand that most of what he does and says is frankly not true.
yeah, there's one nut rider that just loves to get into a frothed up frenzy over anything UTG. bro, if he bothers you so damn much then why you bringing him up all the damn time?

it'd be kinda funny if it weren't so sad.
I think if he only had 4,000 subs, nobody would care or talk about him. But at 400k subs.... well, it becomes like all the little girls hating the girl that gets the most clicks... LOL :D
I think if he only had 4,000 subs, nobody would care or talk about him. But at 400k subs.... well, it becomes like all the little girls hating the girl that gets the most clicks... LOL :D
It's also why I'll never post another how to of any kind on my channel. Ever again. "Regurgitate" this and "regurgitate" that. Some of these guys act like they knew everything there ever was to know about cars when their moms spit um out. We all regurgitate things. We all had to learn it at some point, which means we also didn't know it at some point. And I'm not defending him. I've seen lots of things I didn't necessarily agree with and flat out thought was wrong. But I'd like to see anyone post up as much as he does and be right about everything......PLUS, as has been mentioned, his channel is for entertainment, and for clicks. It's how he makes a good piece of his living.
It's also why I'll never post another how to of any kind on my channel. Ever again. "Regurgitate" and "regurgitate" that. Some of these guys act like they knew everything there ever was to know about cars when their moms spit um out. We all regurgitate things. We all had to learn it at some point, which means we also didn't know it at some point. And I'm not defending him. I've seen lots of things I didn't necessarily agree with and flat out thought was wrong. But I'd like to see anyone post up as much as he does and be right about everything......PLUS, as has been mentioned, his channel is for entertainment, and for clicks. It's how he makes a good piece of his living.
I post what I want on my channel and those that don't like it too bad for them, just don't watch. They are welcome to make a video on the "correct" way to get 'er done! :)

P.S. - i liked your tire changing video :D
I post what I want on my channel and those that don't like it too bad for them, just don't watch. They are welcome to make a video on the "correct" way to get 'er done! :)
THAT is a good attitude.
The people that make videos just to help others are to be thanked and commended. There are still some people on the internet that don't aim for fame, they just like to pass along stuff they know or have learned simply to help others.
THAT is a good attitude.
The people that make videos just to help others are to be thanked and commended. There are still some people on the internet that don't aim for fame, they just like to pass along stuff they know or have learned simply to help others.
For me I'm just sharing what I do in the hobby (and have done long before there was any interwebs LOL) and if somebody gets a tip that helps them along the way, great. Other than that, call it bad entertainment :D :D
That was part of the reason I deleted a lot of my how to videos a while back. I figure if they're mowing down Tony, they'd have no problem doin it to me so I pulled um.
It's also why I'll never post another how to of any kind on my channel. Ever again. "Regurgitate" this and "regurgitate" that. Some of these guys act like they knew everything there ever was to know about cars when their moms spit um out. We all regurgitate things. We all had to learn it at some point, which means we also didn't know it at some point. And I'm not defending him. I've seen lots of things I didn't necessarily agree with and flat out thought was wrong. But I'd like to see anyone post up as much as he does and be right about everything......PLUS, as has been mentioned, his channel is for entertainment, and for clicks. It's how he makes a good piece of his living.
pfft! speak for yourself! i was born dick first, torque wrench in hand and a full snap on double stack attached to my umbilical cord!
It's also why I'll never post another how to of any kind on my channel. Ever again. "Regurgitate" this and "regurgitate" that. Some of these guys act like they knew everything there ever was to know about cars when their moms spit um out. We all regurgitate things. We all had to learn it at some point, which means we also didn't know it at some point. And I'm not defending him. I've seen lots of things I didn't necessarily agree with and flat out thought was wrong. But I'd like to see anyone post up as much as he does and be right about everything......PLUS, as has been mentioned, his channel is for entertainment, and for clicks. It's how he makes a good piece of his living.

100% fact. I’ve been to have and still have some of the best mentors ever.

I lost my dad last month so that one is gone, but I stand on the shoulders of men far smarter and better than me.