I really don't want to turn this into a DTM bashing post, but I just did a Search here, using the words "deliver", "Friday", "Saturday", "weekend", and "supposed to", but came up empty. Nada. Zilch.
Now I would swear on a stack of Bibles that I read where he said that he had bought a car, and that it was going to be delivered (sometime soon), but since I can't find it I can only assume one of four things:
1. I'm not using the right Search words.
2. The thread (or at least that response) has been deleted by the Mods.
3. DTM deleted it himself.
4. I was smoking some "good sh*t" when I saw that. (That's a joke, as I don't, and I wasn't.)
Regardless, I don't know what else to say, as I am certain I read that here somewhere.
But I will say this: As far as DTM threads and/or responses are concerned, I'm out.