Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Wheelie Wednesday!

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Good morning :D
Ya know those Aunts and Uncles that kids get that are not blood related? Well, one of the folks that started Jelly Belly was my Uncle Ed. Husband of my mother's bestest friend in high school. Just a poor farmer in Orange County Ca. and farm land in many parts of SoCal, including their own packing plants :eek:.
Eventually my Jeep will get the hemi that I got from Ray a few years ago. Right now, the old girl pushing 300k
In '13 when I bought my Express, the dealer had one of those Hemi Jeep SUVs in the showroom. I told the sales manager I wanted to drive it :D . "When you got the financing and have signed the papers to buy it, then I'll let you drive it." :BangHead::lol: I had the keys to my new Hemi in my hand :lol:
Another warm, windy day here today, just got back from a mile and an 8th walk, second half was almost pushing me it was so windy.
Cyropractor morning for me then hope to stab a cam shaft and button up the front , but wait, can't, i don't have my timming chain yet :rofl:

Call me silly but if that grill don't sell I might remove the center emblem and attach it to the top of my console up to the front under my dash :lol:

