Stop in for a cup of coffee

Missed that. Sounds good, but 6oz beer goes in it? Or is that a mistake and should be 6 pack with it?
Asking for a friend..:p
To fully answer. Yes, 6oz of beer goes in it. Typically a cheap Pilsner is best. I tried some heavier beer and it changed it too much.

Hell of a deal.

Storm window out, screen in the back door. I got the berm raked now to pick up all the leaves. A yard waste container or more I bet. I came in for a Tylenol. Come on baby, kick in!

Hell of a deal.

Free Spam! :rofl: :rofl:
Hey guys, have you ever seen solder in battery cable clamps? Let's see, a 2 piece mold and some melted lead tire weights. Cut the cable , strip the end, and solder it in. How many factory battery cables were replaced or "fixed" with one of those bolt on repair ends. :BangHead: :BangHead: View attachment 1716384293
Brass solder on, and theres crimp on terminals as well.
So the guy getting hammered $46,000 in duty and tariffs got it across the border. Turns out border security tried to charge him a tariff that hasnt been implemented yet.
Got trans mount tacked in. Got left exhaust pipe figured out. Motor mounts tacked and ready to weld up. And made a list of to-do’s before i lift engine out.
Then went out and scraped snow off driveway, gravel is starting to show.
Is nice out there now. Just in time for a snowstorm tomorrow. Hope the weather guessers are wrong..
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Brass solder on, and theres crimp on terminals as well.
It would be cool if there were solder on cable ends for the posts that looked just like the original ones. Ones like these would work. Whoever makes repop cables get's them from somewhere. I wonder if @halifaxhops has seen them from any of his connector connections. LOL

It would be cool if there were solder on cable ends for the posts that looked just like the original ones. Ones like these would work. Whoever makes repop cables get's them from somewhere. I wonder if @halifaxhops has seen them from any of his connector connections. LOL

View attachment 1716384439
Tractor Supply maybe? Or that other big industrial supplier, Granger?
Well I was driving the dart home today and felt a clunking under my left foot on the way home. I got home and checked it out and seems the upper ball joint is moving in the arm. :BangHead: I had purchased the ball joints from NAPA and had a garage that I am used to dealing with install them. So I guess I have to figure out where I went wrong
Well I was driving the dart home today and felt a clunking under my left foot on the way home. I got home and checked it out and seems the upper ball joint is moving in the arm. :BangHead: I had purchased the ball joints from NAPA and had a garage that I am used to dealing with install them. So I guess I have to figure out where I went wrong
Sometimes the threads are fubar and you have to tack weld the joints in. Ask them if they screwed them in or pressed them in. Some try to press them and mung the threads. It ruins the a arms.
Sometimes the threads are fubar and you have to tack weld the joints in. Ask them if they screwed them in or pressed them in. Some try to press them and mung the threads. It ruins the an arms.
Thanks Mike I will look. Unfortunately I won’t be able to get to it this weekend. It’s just frustrating. I looked back in my notes and they were screwed in.
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A smile and a couple tears. A some of you know the Barracuda is my first car, bought it just shy of my 17th birthday when I was dating my late wife. Today is the 10th anniversary of her passing
Ugh that’s an anniversary that I can’t like. Thoughts and prayers my friend. Have a toast in her honor.

That said, that’s a cool Cuda story too