Recent content by MMRJR

  1. MMRJR

    Help Decoding VIN, 69 Dodge Dart GTS

    According to the sales manager, F40 doesn't own this car- they are selling it on consignment for the current owner. However, F40 did go through the car before listing it for sale, and they did brake work (rear wheels), blower motor replacement, and new tires all the way around. Reportedly...
  2. MMRJR

    Help Decoding VIN, 69 Dodge Dart GTS

    Yes, this is the car! Thank you very much.
  3. MMRJR

    Help Decoding VIN, 69 Dodge Dart GTS

    Yes, this is the car. It's currently for sale @ $39,500 at F40 Motorsports in Connecticut. I am passing on the car because of the changeover from original to White exterior. The black interior and vinyl top is original to the car. Very nice driver quality car. Thank you very much for the info!
  4. MMRJR

    How to Change Email Address

    I have been off of the forum for a minute, and during my absence, my email address has changed. I have tried to update my account, but I was not allowed because my new email address is "too close" to my old email address. Is there an admin reading this that can make the update for me or...
  5. MMRJR

    Help Decoding VIN, 69 Dodge Dart GTS

    I have been off of the forum for a couple of years, but I am back in the hobby. Please don't let me make a $40K mistake on a potential purchase. The 69 Dodge Dart GTS that I am looking at has the following VIN tag. Can someone help me decode the info on this? If so, I would be grateful...
  6. MMRJR

    Ever collide with a deer?

    Ever had to deal with the insurance company after hitting a deer?
  7. MMRJR

    Gotta Love This Guys Sense of Humor

    I think this guy could very well become my newest best friend!!!
  8. MMRJR

    Common Sense

  9. MMRJR

    Best Joke This Week

  10. MMRJR

    In honor of Memorial Day........

    I post this every year to remind myself and others of why we celebrate Memorial Day. Thanks to Food City for the best commercial ever...
  11. MMRJR

    Witness Protection Program

    OK, I admit I have a really warped sense of humor, but is this a hoot or what?
  12. MMRJR

    Ventriloquist Joke

    I don't think this one has ever been posted here, Enjoy.... A ventriloquist walked up to a A ventriloquist walked up to an Indian and said "I'll bet I can make your horse talk." Indian: "Horse no talk." Ventriloquist: "Sure watch this. Hi horse. How does you master treat you?" Horse: "Oh, he...
  13. MMRJR

    Rockabilly Jive Dance

    Gotta love that some can still dance like this.....