Recent content by Spadman

  1. Spadman

    Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

    I found my bifocals just didn’t work for me either. Same problem. Reading glasses or a magnifying lens in the hood was the only way I could maintain consistent vision.
  2. Spadman

    Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

    You know, I suppose I haven’t really done any welding since the eye surgery. They also opened up the back of the lens capsule to let more light in. That may be why I could see better. Better eyes rather than the hotter arc. I’m anxious to check it out when I get my space ready.
  3. Spadman

    Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

    Yes, it was great. I can see better than I ever did in my life since I was always bad nearsighted. I got multifocal lenses so I can even read when the light is good. When I’m studying I use about a 1.50.
  4. Spadman

    Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

    Good news. When you get older and have cataract surgery you get new lens implants that don’t change anymore. Same strength readers from then on. LOL that we old guys could be so lucky.
  5. Spadman

    Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

    I have a question for all you experienced welders out there. I’m still a beginner though I started trying 50 years ago. No mon, no fun they say. I started fixing my lawnmowers with a Magic Mart set that used an oxygen candle. It got my little jobs done. Over the years I’ve requested upgrades...
  6. Spadman

    Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

    Might be a change of direction but though I have the same eyesight problems at 73 years old, I’m slowed down project wise right now cleaning out/modifying my shop space for welding. I put .023 wire in my Lincoln 110 for sheet metal, but had some projects needing more power. Went and got a Harbor...
  7. Spadman

    Camshafts: What effect does increased lift have on performance?

    A friend who does port work flowed my J heads whe I got done with them. Just as a favor and I didn’t get a full written report. He said he got 262 at 500 and the same at 600. I had heard that these heads don’t improve past .500. Just my experience. I put 1.6 rockers with my .484 lift Mopar...
  8. Spadman

    I don’t want to start over, but

    It would be a while before burnouts because I have to wire and install the dash and seats buts it’s good to be able to button up the engine. I can hardly wait to drive it though!
  9. Spadman

    My old Cub led me to the answer

    I had another thread going about my worries checking oil to the heads with no help. I live up a hollow and the county road has snow as well as my driveway. I have not been able to get propane to heat my shop for a couple of weeks and it was eight degrees this morning. I thought if I could get...
  10. Spadman

    I don’t want to start over, but

    All is well. I turned the breaker bar with my left hand and worked the drill with my right. Had oil gushing on both sides quickly by turning about ten degrees at a time. Thanks all who encouraged and helped me.
  11. Spadman

    I don’t want to start over, but

    30 wt Lucas breaking oil. It’s a good drill with side handle but it feels like stirring molasses. That might be why no leaking around the lifters.
  12. Spadman

    I don’t want to start over, but

    It’s supposed to warm up to 18 degrees later today. I know that’s a heat wave to some of you guys but I’m not used to it. I have a propane furnace in the shop but I ran out the tank just before the snow two weeks ago and haven’t been able to get a fuel truck here. Anyway, I will try later today...
  13. Spadman

    I don’t want to start over, but

    I got you, I’ve had to improvise many times. Thanks for the idea.
  14. Spadman

    I don’t want to start over, but

    I’m pretty sure the oil passage from the block comes into the rocker bolt hole at an angle so if this were attempted it would need to be something flexible. It snowed some more last night and 8 degrees out so I won’t ask a friend to come to me. I think 413’s advice is the best bet.