Being a Moderator.....

first of all this is sounding a bit like a Im taking my ball and going home boo hoo thread , I see no reason for Ink , Rumble or any of the other mods to change their ways now , if we didn`t want /need opinionated self indulgent sobs to watch over us Joey would never have elevated them to the positions they now hold(just kidding eh ). keep up the good work guys ,the f bombing has been over the top lately and tho I try not to use it I probably inspire others to do so and should ease up a little myself

PS Demon could you slow down on the thread locking till I can have a turn at hacking on ,Peeing and moaning at the OP please .
Again, it is far from the I am taking my ball and gong home boo hoo. I am just trying to understand the your a Moderator & should keep your comments to yourself mentality.....and I have seen a comment something to the effect that Moderators should set some sort of example to follow. That is sort of news to me.......