From 1980 'til I retired in 2004, I lived in Hayward... So, I spent a lot of time at Fremont (Baylands?) when it was open, and later at Sears Point (Infineon?) and met a lot of racers in that 24 years. I worked in Production at the San Francisco Chronicle, but in downtown SF and later at the Union City plants.
So, Mike Loge (about my age) and Randy (his son) were both running A-Bodies (340's) in NHRA Stock Eliminator at the time, and still do, I believe. I lost touch with them years ago, but I had heard that Mike (and maybe Randy) lived in Antioch, now. Just thought you might have crossed paths with them at some point. I am pretty sure they have NO IDEA of the potential of a boosted slant six... LOL! But, they are MOPAR, through and through.... =P~