Oil leak behind the cam

On a small block:
Turn the motor to 90* before top dead center coming up on #1 compression. The pass. side rockers should get oil.
Turn the motor to 20* after top dead center just past #6 compression. The drivers side rockers should get oil.

This is missing the point. If you turn the crank while priming, you will not ever see the oil to the rockers. In a non-running setup, it takes that 20-30 seconds to see the oil when the crank is stopped in the right location(s). Stopping the crank in fixed spots is not for convenience; it is to have any chance of seeing the oil coming out of the rockers.

70aarcuda has given you the shortcut in post #34. If the cam it drilled with the correct indexing, then this will save you time in finding the right spots. In a very few cases, however, the cam's oiling holes are indexed incorrectly. So then you turn 15* at a time and prime....and keep doing it over and over.

Thanks, hope it didn't seem like I was ignoring the advice. Sometimes I need to be slapped with an idea a few times before it sinks through my thick skull.