Last one to post in this thread wins!

morning fellers

a couple more people at my kids school got "symptoms" (now pay in mind, this isnt even the scary china sniffles, and NOTHING is confirmed, but they got the sniffles)
but they decided to close the school down today and tomorrow to do some deep cleaning
fine, whatever
BUT they are closed for valentines day, which is of course next monday THREE whole days after this added closure
(be patient, im going somewhere with this rant)
it just so happens, my oldest has a birthday party on valentines day, at a time frame that would normally fall after school anyway

so i got a text yesterday, an RSVP to the party, one of the moms is not letting her son come to the party in solidarity with the teachers that are staying home today and tomorrow

i cant even wrap my head around that kind of thinking
BREAKING NEWS!!! Valentine's Day is Sunday DIY.