Newbomb Turk
Well-Known Member
I made this video to show the difference between a CDI ignition and an inductive ignition. Again, it’s not a one is better than another test, but to show the differences in spark energy and timing retard.
A dual point at 10,500 with very little retard. Amazing. Thanks tor the test.
Have you ever tested a chrysler electronic distributor running HEI (4 pin) conversion? That is the set up I have in my Grey Van, which I will be tuning (per my latest video)That’s a single point distributor I grabbed out of a pile a couple of years ago for testing. I didn’t even check dwell or anything.
Maybe when it gets dark tonight I’ll grab a Mallory dual point distributor and test it as a stand alone ignition.
It won’t retard.
Have you ever tested a chrysler electronic distributor running HEI (4 pin) conversion? That is the set up I have in my Grey Van, which I will be tuning (per my latest video)
Well, I've seen a few 7500 rpm LA Mopar street moments, but not for any greatly extended durationsNo one on the street will rev that high. SB maybe 6500 B/RB 4500
Not trying to be argumenative, but offering a possible reason for the retardation. Timing lights typically use a Xenon lamp, not sure of the light source in your m/c. Either type, a certain amount of time is reqd for the lamps to come on [ illuminate ]. The crank does twice as many rotations at 6k compared to 3k. But the time period for the light to illuminate does not change with rpm. At 6k, the crank has rotated further before the timing light comes on...& shows up as retarded ign. So is the 'retard' [ or some of it ] the light playing 'catch up' because of increasing rpm?
I am not doubting that there is some amount of retard in any ign system. Could it be due to coil differences? It is well known that there is retard with magnetic trigger ign due to distortion in the p/up signal as rpm increases.
I like that you used a point distributor this time. Very cool. It's also a diferent type of trigger signal. I think similar to a square wave pattern of a digital signal. I'm not saying you conclusion is wrong that this Mallory box has less retard than the hirev 7500 box. But you have introduced another varible by using the points distributor in place of the Chrysler electronic distributor. Just for the sake of arguement what if you triggered the Mallory box with the Chrysler electronic distributor and it retarded like it did with the hirev 7500 box? Is this a test you can do?