I,m not cheap i,m broke

Lately everyday there is a new cause someone wants you to send money to. I always wonder if people look down on me when I dont donate lately.

Absolutely not Pete. I know that there are people here that are just not in the position to give as they have thier issues at home that they have to take care of. Last year at this time I was unemployed and just scraping by and truly scared to death that I would get evicted. I saw quite a few posts for donations and I felt really bad that I just wasn't in a position to help. It really tore me up inside along with the depression that goes along with being jobless. Ain't nothing like cruising the local alleys to find old lawnmowers to fix up so I can feed my dogs to make a guy feel good about himself, lol.

I sit sleepless some nights trying to figure out how to finish my car so I can sell it so I can afford my daughter a school car. I havent had a vacation in three years as I cant afford one.I posted this and a mod deleted it.

I still don't understand why that happened (the thread deletion). You are certainly doing the right thing and your daughter comes first, no doubt. I can't remember the last time I took a pleasure vacation either. Let's see, I took a day off for a root canal, before that it was my mothers funeral, before that it was just to visit her before she died, prior to that it was to move out of the house that my x and I owned, etc.

Yet people ask for donations for people with their own buisnesses and people who I looked at their vacation pics and others with show cars wrecked but insured but some still ask you to help.

This seems like a direct attack on those particular recipients. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but those are pretty hurtful words to those that have recieved from the bounty of the members here. It's each members responsibility to decide wether or not they want to donate and wether or not they feel that the drive is for a good cause. No one has to and no one is twisting anyone's arm. Everyone gives for their own personal reasons, but one thing I certainly would never do is publicly post about the "worthyness" of particular recipient.

Thank Goodness I've been blessed with an OK job with lot's of hours availible. This gives me the ability to donate when I can and really makes me feel better and assuages some of the guilt I feel having been the recepient of donation drive in the past.

I,ve helped so many i cant count anymore....

I too remember you with couple carts of food to help those in need after the hurricane. That picture inspired me to be a better person and I doubt that it will ever leave my mind.

....and seen people turn their backs on people who really were in need because they werent popular.

This I haven't seen but if you feel this way, why not start a drive to help them?

I really dont care who this pisses off because i,m tired of being asked to help people better off than I am.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I don't even own my own house but still give when I can or decide that I want to.. Remember, it's not mandatory to give, it's a personal choice.

Pick your charities wisely or when a real need arises people may be too tired of being hit up to give. Rant over.

You've got a good point there Pete, no doubt and I won't argue it.

In conclusion,
I'm confused about some people saying that they don't feel welcome. I know that not everyone get's along with everyone but that's just the nature of the beast wether it be at a big party or online. It doesn't mean that they are not welcome. I can't really think of a single member i wouldn't help if they were truly in need.

I have truly strived to meet many members in person here locally as well as give them a call every now and again. Like others have said, this board feels as though it's just one big family and like any friendship it takes time and effort to keep it going.

Pete, I hope your feelings about this don't drive you away as I feel that you are a valuable member here for both your humour and technical input and I wish you and your daughter the best.