I,m not cheap i,m broke

Lately everyday there is a new cause someone wants you to send money to. I always wonder if people look down on me when I dont donate lately. I sit sleepless some nights trying to figure out how to finish my car so I can sell it so I can afford my daughter a school car. I havent had a vacation in three years as I cant afford one.I posted this and a mod deleted it. Yet people ask for donations for people with their own buisnesses and people who I looked at their vacation pics and others with show cars wrecked but insured but some still ask you to help.I,ve helped so many i cant count anymore and seen people turn their backs on people who really were in need because they werent popular. I really dont care who this pisses off because i,m tired of being asked to help people better off than I am. Pick your charities wisely or when a real need arises people may be too tired of being hit up to give. Rant over.

DUDE.............. Perfect........