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  1. cosgig

    Kind of back, trying to restart the harness stuff

    We missed you Rob, and I’m glad to hear at least some of the medical issues are in the past. Welcome back, we saved you the easy chair.
  2. cosgig


    You’re good with me, Dan. I don’t have anybody on ignore, and don’t really even know how to do that. We’re all a little quirky in this world, so don’t sweat it too much!
  3. cosgig

    Any value in stock commando 273 exhaust?

    It is worthy of a sale. I would buy it if I was anywhere near you, but I’m in Michigan. I saved my original H pipe setup from my Roadrunner, not sure why, but I just couldn’t let it go!
  4. cosgig

    Heart Attack

    You’re in my prayers bud, hoping for The best outcome possible.
  5. cosgig

    69 AMX

    My buddy has been searching for an AMX like the one he had when he was younger. His major stipulation was that it be a Mark Donahue edition in either blue or butterscotch. Low and behold, I find this car in Hell, Michigan, about 4 miles from our town. We went to look at it, and by the next day...
  6. cosgig

    Been awhile

    The “what’s the biggest tire I can fit under my________” is still raging on, so if you need help with that, we’re thinking of making a sticky out of that. Should be about 400 pages long! Glad to have you back with us, you can relax and be among friends here. Sorry to hear about your trials in...
  7. cosgig

    Old cluster bombs

    Naw, but we did miss you! Glad to have you back among us!
  8. cosgig

    Post your self portraits!

    So, not the most recent pic, but this is my daughter and I in our FABO shirts. Cosgig and Cudagirl at your service!
  9. cosgig

    Its official. Im too old.

    Well, I wasn’t going to mention it, but……
  10. cosgig

    Towing experts?

    My Moms husband has had a lot of problems with his air bag suspension on his new Ram pickup. One thing he has failed dot do is use the “jack” feature, which I believe sets the air bag pressure according to the weight of the trailer, instead of setting the tongue weight on the air bag at the ride...
  11. cosgig

    Bruce would have liked this one

    I proposed the idea of having a “hot rodders” garage sale, which Martha and her daughter really liked. There’s a lot of tools there, too much to go through, and some too big to move. Of course there would be a Mopar section, which I told her to make mention of in her garage sale ad as well, and...
  12. cosgig

    Bruce would have liked this one

    I was at Bruce’s on Monday, helping Martha sort through the Mopar stuff and coming up with a plan on how to best disperse his collection of stuff. I think we have it well in hand! We lost a great brother in Bruce, and I feel honored to be able to help Martha in any way I can.
  13. cosgig

    They said it wouldn't work, you did it anyway. How did that work out for you?

    Back in the 80’s I was happy and content with my job, until my brother in law at the time talked me into going to work with his company, a union rough crew building condos and townhouses. My boss, also my high school buddy, said…”you won’t like it, I give you a week there”. So I go, work all...
  14. cosgig

    Trying to summon the motivation

    I typically have waaaay more stuff to do, and no time to do it. That’s said tho, I’ve always been one to put the pedal to the metal and get things done. When the job is fighting back, I fight back harder. My wife always says….”I don’t know how you do the things you do”, it’s because it’s all...
  15. cosgig

    Wow. Have you noticed the HUGE amount of stuff for sale here lately?

    I sold almost every B body part I took to the WPC swap meet this past weekend, and the 2 hoods that didn’t sell there… was picked up yesterday, and another is leaving for a new home on Saturday! Not everybody is hoarding their stuff, and not all B body stuff is priced out of range, at least...
  16. cosgig

    Wow. Have you noticed the HUGE amount of stuff for sale here lately?

    At the big WPC swap meet this past weekend, stuff was flying off the tables at an incredible rate. Stuff I never thought would sell was being snapped up like crazy. And stuff I thought would sell…..well, it sold! If stuff is not selling in online posts, it would undoubtably be because shipping...
  17. cosgig

    Cat Pics

    We call him Hendix, he likes to play it upside down!
  18. cosgig

    Cat Pics

    I’ve been replaced in the band. He’s one cool cat, and I just can’t compete with that!
  19. cosgig

    I salute you men and women who

    This happens all the time at work too. Set a piece of plywood on the sawhorses and walk away for 5 min. Minimum you’ll find someone’s coffee on it in that amount of time, more than likely someone putting together something and needing a bench, and just need to “make a cut”! Needless to say the...
  20. cosgig

    BadSport AKA Bruce Chandler

    My heart is broken over this news. I was lucky enough to meet Bruce and sell him some parts, as we are local. I always enjoyed our exchanges on here. may he Rest In Peace and may Gods hand bring peace and comfort to all of his family and friends.
  21. cosgig

    Loaded potato soup anyone

    Always one of my favorite soups. Even if it’s just a can of progresso, I like to throw in an extra potato and some ham, and anything leftover veggie-like that I can find in the fridge!
  22. cosgig

    C&E bodies Rant

    Don’t do it, Rani. There’s too many scammers out there right now, and if you haven’t heard of them and they have an unobtainable part, it’s a sure red flag for a scam! Please be careful ordering from unknown sources, and at least post the company that claims to have the item for public scrutiny.
  23. cosgig

    I tried, but I just can't take the commercials anymore!

    I wish the drug companies would buy a vowel or 2 for their damn drug names. And maybe learn how to spell an actual word. But hey, when you have 1/2 dozen drugs for psoriasis, I guess you run out of coherent sounding words. And that little pill with the big story to tell? I hurl in my...
  24. cosgig

    Tracking USPS Signature Delivery mail- WTF???

    I’m still waiting on that crossmember that Rani sent me about 6 years ago. I’m sure it’s somewhere in Texas!
  25. cosgig

    What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

    I don’t make resolutions, but I do resolve to do things that I want. Many of the same things listed above. My garage is a mess, lost 2 relatives last year and the remnants of their homes are now in my garage. On top of that, I’ve been working on Nellas new bedroom suite, so there’s also a lot of...
  26. cosgig

    Hate to make you guys hungry

    Call me crazy, but I’m not a big fan of pizza. Yes, I’ll eat it, but never more than 2 pieces. If I get my choice, it’s pepperoni and mushrooms. Or a salad pizza.
  27. cosgig

    Where Are All The Pre 2010 Members

    August 2008 for me.
  28. cosgig

    Why I fell off the FABO Forum

    Duggie, you can come and go as you please here. We miss you when you’re gone, and worry about your well being. We love it when you’re here with us, and hope you come around more often. We are all a family here, and we respect your need to be with your family, even if it means a long absence...
  29. cosgig

    TV shows that you've BINGE watched

    New…. Cobra Kai Virgin River Old…. Andy Griffith The Waltons I especially like the Waltons, I want to live with them, ride Blue to the store, help Jim-Bob with that old car, and ride Ike’s motorcycle. I even have my own Walton name….Geof-Bob!
  30. cosgig

    I bought the Car

    Great car for a young man. I hope you both enjoy the ride back to the road with it. And I agree, lead the young man to FABO, he will find a lot of help here, despite some knuckleheads here and there.