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  1. ragtopfury

    Looking thru old photos for the funeral home and found this...

    So looking for old pics of my sister in law, came across this gem of my wife and I from 30 years ago... And here we are this decade and still going. And yes , the road runner is long gone.
  2. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  3. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  4. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    Yeah Jackie, the sun disappears fast once it reaches the water. Having a good run of weather and today a good run of crabs.
  5. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    We are glampers. LOL And here I am pretending to place the sun in just the right spot for another awesome sunset....
  6. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    Ding ding ding ding........ 1000000000 bonus points to the breath of the dog!
  7. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    Have seen no ramchargers on this trip
  8. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    From which island, headed to where?
  9. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    I'll drop a hint, too soon in this game... the same one we are on dis run aground 13 years ago. Haha
  10. ragtopfury

    Lets play "Where am I?"

    So tell me where I am, or was 5 min prior... @JDMopar - Jackie, you are not allowed to play.... LOL
  11. ragtopfury

    My Luck

    Ummmm, no. That is an it. As far as I know an it can't reproduce, therefore it can't be a mother or father. No card for it.
  12. ragtopfury

    Neighbor up the asked me.....

    Eh, 11 years in the old one. It was time. Dragged it home back in March, actually. Oh, and w h a t e v e r. Hahahahaha
  13. ragtopfury

    Neighbor up the asked me.....

    So the guy who lives up the hill behind us drove across his small hayfield from his mailbox and stopped next to me and the camper. I had just finished washing it and was getting ready to start waxing it. Asks me this: Is that a different camper, or did you get a new one? I ALMOST laughed...
  14. ragtopfury

    My Luck

    The food industry has lied to me again. Been drinking this with lunch and my fat has not yet been freed from me.....
  15. ragtopfury

    My Luck

    Well, i ate the whole box and I am not 25% less fat now. They lied.
  16. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  17. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  18. ragtopfury

    Face sitting.....

    Guess he's keeping his eye on the prize...
  19. ragtopfury

    And one for PBR!

    Initially I was going to say that was too classy to be one of PBR's walmart sows, but then I saw post number 17.... it's on par.
  20. ragtopfury

    He was a smart little guy with a feather touch

    They are a different breed, but don't kill my thread with politics. There is a forum for that.
  21. ragtopfury

    He was a smart little guy with a feather touch

    I keep 4 traps set in the garage all year round. About every 3 months I'll get 1 or 3 of those suckers in a week's time.
  22. ragtopfury

    He was a smart little guy with a feather touch

    Took the bait balls off all 3 traps. They were stuck on with some goo.. so I zip tied them on. 2 hours later, he got caught with his mouth on the fruit.
  23. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  24. ragtopfury

    Happy Meal prize.

    Sounds like you and @pittsburghracer have been shopping together on those rainy track days.
  25. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  26. ragtopfury

    Add Your Own Caption Part 364

    Trailer trash? I invented trailer trash.
  27. ragtopfury

    Add Your Own Caption Part 364

    That Joe Dirt guy ain't got nothin' on me.
  28. ragtopfury

    My Luck

  29. ragtopfury

    Add Your Own Caption Part 363

    I sure as hell beat the devil out of this Demon.
  30. ragtopfury

    Add Your Own Caption Part 363

    Hey Sis, thanks for letting me borrow your car.