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  1. 7

    New Members

    Weclome aboard StockMopar :D
  2. 7

    Whats everone working on?

    Thats a really nice car :D
  3. 7

    New to board.

    Welcome aboard Carcrazy :D
  4. 7

    Stable-Mate to Brett's car!

    I'm am broke to but I'm only 17 so i have lots of time to make some cash to restore my car :D
  5. 7

    Does this look odd to anybody else?

    Damn didnt mean to post that twice :D
  6. 7

    Does this look odd to anybody else?

    It was really nice this whole week, then once friday came around it started getting cold again, and started snowing and hasn't stoped..... that makes me mad :x can't wait till all this damn snow is gone and i can start worknig on my car lol
  7. 7

    Does this look odd to anybody else?

    It was really nice this whole week, then once friday came around it started getting cold again, and started snowing and hasn't stoped..... that makes me mad :x can't wait till all this damn snow is gone and i can start worknig on my car lol
  8. 7

    New Members

    Welcome all :D
  9. 7

    340 FOUND!!

    Thats an awsome deal!!! :cheers:
  10. 7

    New Members

    Welcome aboard!! :D
  11. 7

    What area are you from?

    ahahahahaha no i think ur thinking of B.C lol :lol:
  12. 7

    How big of a job is it to change leaf springs??

    How big of a job is it to change the leaf springs on a 1970 Dart Swinger? the leaf spring on the driver side 2 of the layers are broken. So my car sits kind of lop sided. So if any one could help that would be great. :D
  13. 7

    EVILSCAMP!!pics of my Dart

    you did an awsome job man!! :thumrigh: that car is really nice, god job. cant wait till my car is done lol :mrgreen:
  14. 7

    What area are you from?

    im from Saskatchewan Canada lol
  15. 7

    What is a good 4bbl carb for a 318 engine?

    Thnx for all the advice guys im sure this will make my carb hunting alot easyier thnx :D [/img]
  16. 7

    Whats everone working on?

    I have alot of work to still do on my car >_< so im hopnig the snow will start melting lol. :lol:
  17. 7

    What is a good 4bbl carb for a 318 engine?

    I have a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger with a 318 2bbl right now and i want to give it more get up and go with a 4bbl, but theres so many to choose from i dont know wut to go with lol. Could some one share some wisdom and led me in the right direction? :lol:
  18. 7

    Headman Headers on 340

    Do Doug Thorley headers fit well?
  19. 7

    Whats everone working on?

    looking good :D
  20. 7

    Whats everone working on?

    Thats a really nice green :D
  21. 7

    Welcome you crazy Canucks!!

    Hey all I just joined a couple days ago. just wanted to say Hi lol
  22. 7

    A body boy's

    I'm from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and i got a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger then im restoring.
  23. 7

    Just wanted to say hey

    Hey everyone I just joined this site couple days ago. I have a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger that im restoring. Its got a 318 in it and a 8 3/4 rear end hopefully ill get it on the road in spring lol.
  24. 7

    Fluid Choices

    Have any of u used royal purple oils? i see it every where i just want to no if its good or not?
  25. 7

    Hello all

    I'm new to this to, I just joined a couple of days ago. I'm fixing up a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger that i picked up about 2 1/2 years ago but i cant do to much to it right now, because i lack the money and theres about 3 feet of snow out side if not more. So I'm really looking forward to when the...
  26. 7

    Just Dart...

    Yea i would be worknig on my Dart right now but its been snowingthe last couple of days so that sucks.... cant wait till spring
  27. 7

    Whats everone working on?

    Thats awsome I wish I was done my Dart that much lol I still have to do all the body work lol.
  28. 7

    Move over Evil

    Can any one tell me wut to do to my 318 to make my 1970 Dart go pretty good? lol
  29. 7

    Whats everone working on?

    Is there any seggestions on wut i could do to my lil 318 in my Dart to make it go lol?
  30. 7

    New Members

    I found this site through the Top 500 Mopar sites, its number 14 on this list. Since I have a 1970 Dart Swinger I thought I would look into it and I'm glad that I did. Awsome site!!!