Stable-Mate to Brett's car!

I'd buy that if I had the cash... I like it!
the price is very very reasonable when you consider what it would take to get an average car like that. I will have me a pro street set up some day. :thumrigh:
LM23P9B said:
Heck it's only money. :D Yep that's all that's keeping me from having a nice ride like everyone on the board. :( Ray

Both you & me Ray! I'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention..... When / IF I finish my car will be a great day indeed.

And as for the e-Bay `Cuda? I like it! :thumrigh:
I would love to have that car! I will never cut my car up so I will be buying one some day. I am out of room for toys so until I get a bigger garage I'm done. As of now I have to keep my Viper in an old ladies garage across town. :roll:
12' 4" would work, All the lifts that I checked into recommend 12'-3" one "Big" lift requires 14'3". I'm planning on putting a lift in my garage too. (when I build it) Do you have any recommendations on brands of lifts?