Search results for query: *

  1. gdrill

    Happy Independence Day to all FABO Members and Family!

    Happy Independence Day!
  2. gdrill

    Happy Canada Day!!!

    Happy Canada Day to all! :canada: Rain schmain. You gotta take it when it comes. We need the moisture. Shoulda mowed yesterday when I had the chance! :BangHead:
  3. gdrill

    Got zapped by my Engine !

    Last time that happened to me i had a big bump on the back of my head..............
  4. gdrill


    Awesome! Congratulations
  5. gdrill

    NHL 23-24

    As I said, here in Alberta this topic is basically unavoidable. One of our Rig Managers was at game 6. He called into the office to say he would not be returning to work for a few days…….he was lining up a flight to Florida! 21 hour milk run flight! Edmonton may very well be closed for business...
  6. gdrill

    What is the best/worst you've done when selling at a swap meet?

    My average is buy high, sell low.
  7. gdrill

    Floods locally

    Hang in there. It is hard to see so much loss. Especially when you know some can never be replaced. The memories are still there. Good luck with your recovery.
  8. gdrill

    Floods locally

    I don’t think many people understand what it’s like to see streams and rivers form in the middle of crop fields. Fields that are far above the local creeks. When the water comes down and has no other path, ditches become rivers. These are then traps for anyone living aside them. Good luck down...
  9. gdrill

    NHL 23-24

    Cheers from Alberta folks. I don’t watch hockey but this is an unavoidable topic here! 9-1 Edmonton game 7.
  10. gdrill

    Why are classic 4 door sedans "disliked"?

    Extra doors equal extra weight
  11. gdrill

    Anybody remember Craig Powerplay?

    No problem. I’m just loving hoe this whole scenario played out. My wife said, “and you hate algorithms”. Smartass.
  12. gdrill

    Anybody remember Craig Powerplay?

    Lol. The internet! Joined because of a key word in a thread! That is two now just in this thread in this forum. Wonder how many times this happens. I'll dig into the box tomorrow and see if it has paper in it.
  13. gdrill

    FOUND FOUND FOUND Stolen last night in Listowel Ontario

    Unfortunately, that grill demands dollars................
  14. gdrill

    7 1/4 to a 8 3/4

    Ubolts are bigger too.
  15. gdrill

    New Project

    I'm the odd one. Most desire the tin grill. I prefer this look much better. It is more refined and matches the body nicely. Those are sweet trucks.
  16. gdrill

    7 1/4 to a 8 3/4

    Shock mounts. Drive shaft length.
  17. gdrill

    New Project

    Very nice!
  18. gdrill

    Maybe back once in a while

    Welcome back. The ignore button betters my personal well being!
  19. gdrill

    Getting fed up of high-perf , being happy with less

    I'll be happy to be able to make it to the grocery store! It takes 9 seconds just to get out of the car.
  20. gdrill

    Getting fed up of high-perf , being happy with less

    I got too lazy to shift a 4 speed many years, in fact decades, back. Been there, done that. Driving is fun. What were once tickets have turned into suspensions! It ain't what it used to be! But there is nothing like rolling down the road in a classic......whatever you have , and seeing the...
  21. gdrill

    Let’s see a picture of your car!!

    Latest acquisition, fresh off the trailer........probably a keeper!
  22. gdrill

    Feed Time At The Pig Trough

    I’m thinkin’ you don’t have a mouse problem.
  23. gdrill

    Very unusual 1968 GT rad support stamp

    I have come to a point where I have accepted that I have too much on the go....I know, hard to believe! Traded the project for a driver. Should be more fun! I still have StuBBle.
  24. gdrill

    Very unusual 1968 GT rad support stamp

    Goodbye Hello
  25. gdrill

    Very unusual 1968 GT rad support stamp

    This should be here this Sunday.
  26. gdrill

    Very unusual 1968 GT rad support stamp

    OK, I think I answered my own question. In 68 this was different than later years. It is not the VIN, but instead the SO number. Live and learn........daily
  27. gdrill

    Very unusual 1968 GT rad support stamp

    Not sure yet. Just a weird stamp. Doesn’t appear to have 6 numerals at the end either.
  28. gdrill

    Very unusual 1968 GT rad support stamp

    I may end up making a deal on a car. It is a driver. Perfect for me. Don’t want show. But one of the pics shows the rad support and the numbers are definitely not in order. I think. Anybody seen anything like this? Could you order a 340 in a plain GT? It looks have a P as the designation. It is...
  29. gdrill

    He just runs right over old farm tractor

    Where I live, there are tractors all over the highways at regular periods during the year. The only difference is, they’re ******* huge. If you’re stupid enough, distracted enough, drunk enough, stoned enough, or just plain ******* blind, and you hit one in a car, You’re going to die, not the...
  30. gdrill

    He just runs right over old farm tractor

    That trucker would have hit somebody doing 5mph less than him. The speed of the tractor had ZERO to do with the collision.