Man that sounds so much like what I did when I was 19 and to stupid to let off the loud peddle...Two street trees takin out
lost my license for 6 months. Not my first car but my 3rd car 69 Firebird 400 4spd and a newly rebuilt motor....Stupid just
stupid Yes alcohol too...didn't get me for that...
I probably have one or I have a long one (not me personally) the dipstick that is...let me look when I get home, if it's short it's yours. I know you don't know me but I'm a longtime lurker but your more than welcome to it if I have it or one.
So that is the color it came originally? Great color love's me some Blue...or are you going non-original?
Never-mind I went back to the first page and found what color it was...very very glad you are not painting it that!!!!
I had the same problem, it's because he changed his name all I had to do is un-follow and follow again...I've getting them ever since now. :thumbsup:
For someone who hardly ever comments and just yes you do ***** and you won't quit bitching know there is what's called PM use it.
Some that are good and have helpful knowledge
MAN! I keep looking for the love emoji and if there is one...then I'm showing my age! LMAO!
I love this whole thread so much...I'm one to not talk much I just lurk in a good way :lol:
Holy FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry man, thought Sh#t like that only happened to me...I feel your pain...that should one second to (depression) or (ANGER)
At least your FIL knew that air-shocks were not the best shock for the car and made his own brackets AND left the OG brackets there. Now you can use the OG placement. Man I'm loving this thread!!!!