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  1. trapster

    1964-66 4 speed carpet heel plate

    You almost need to shave the carpet and install the guard with the carpet out to get it in correctly.
  2. trapster

    1964-66 4 speed carpet heel plate

    I tried in my 64, but the carpet was already really thick and it just made getting to the gas pedal that much harder
  3. trapster

    1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course/Track Day/AutoX Project

    I do like the 63 grill over the 64. Ever thought of adding a Paxton supercharger ?
  4. trapster

    [WANTED] 1965 Dart Speedo Cable

    make sure it is a 65 trans and not a later model.
  5. trapster

    European A-body owners: where are you?

    Seen on vacation in a Monte Carlo Auto museum
  6. trapster

    [FOR SALE] 64 Dart GT Parting out.

    64 has round buttons
  7. trapster

    Plug gap

    Unless you change the compression the gap shouldn't need to change.
  8. trapster

    What battery to use in my daily driver recommendations

    Home depot has batteries around $100 with a real 3 year warrantee not prorated.
  9. trapster

    Anybody running an A833OD behind a mild 340?

    I was running an 833od behind a built 340 with 355 gears, I hated it. 1st was too low, 1st to second was too far. shifting 2nd to 1st was difficult and not fun. 4th was noisy. the 833od was created for gas mileage and not fun.
  10. trapster

    removing the rear bumper on a 1964 dart?

    Bumper brackets
  11. trapster

    removing the rear bumper on a 1964 dart?

    Don't show the insurance company any driver quality bumpers, only show them the re-chromed stuff. yours was too nice for something dinged up or rusty.
  12. trapster

    removing the rear bumper on a 1964 dart?

    I would unbolt the brackets from the car, since you will have to replace one of them anyway, and I am not sure the best way to do that. try penitrating oil (acetone and trans fluid) then heat, good luck. I see thousands of dollars worth of damage there, did they have insurance ?
  13. trapster

    Vevor air lift

    I have one they are not real stable but work well. always use jack stands also. I would use it to change a tire but I wouldnt get under the car with just this.
  14. trapster

    Conv top dying

    Wouldn't you use red vinyl paint ? I remember spraying a vinyl landau top on my chrysler white. it did look better, for a while .
  15. trapster

    [WANTED] Wanted: Mopar A Body Super Stock Springs

    THe last pair I bought gave my car an awful lean. Made it look like the driver weighed about 600 lbs. I purchased a second passenger spring and leveled the car out and then added 2 inch lowering blocks to make it look sane. I may buy another drivers side and remove the lowering.
  16. trapster

    My Trailduster Search Is Over

    Nice, I have been looking for one for a while now.
  17. trapster

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    Is your engine tilting towards the drivers side.
  18. trapster

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    leave the leave part.
  19. trapster

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    I see what you mean, Looks like it could survive a slight bend to give most of the clearance you need, I would still check 3rd gear. I think the 3/4 should be mostly straight.
  20. trapster

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    I don't think it is supposed to be above that leave part. Actually I don't think that leave part is supposed to be there at all.
  21. trapster

    65 Dart 4 speed bezel mount question

    My 64 is flat across the top and the bezel screws into the hump like chewy's
  22. trapster

    I'm Cummins swapping a '74 Duster, thought I'd share the progress.

    I was thinking a 4 cyl, massive Turbo, and 2.70 gears may be fun. but from what i understand the 4cyl is just the six with 2 cut off and it is very shaky.
  23. trapster

    R.I.P. Thurman

    Sorry for your loss, he looks a lot like our bentley, who is also a rescue.
  24. trapster

    [WANTED] wanted driveshaft
  25. trapster

    [WANTED] wanted driveshaft

    I had mine made and shipped to me at the Pre-Bidden cost of $220. I think it was from Driveshaft Specialist Home looks like they are around $400 now.
  26. trapster

    [WANTED] wanted driveshaft

    Have a new one made.
  27. trapster

    1964 Dart GT convertible

    Here is an article I found, it may help.
  28. trapster

    1964 Dart GT convertible

    THis is what is in my 64 dart, but not sure if it is original.