R.I.P. Thurman



Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Candler, NC/Myrtle Beach, SC
We lost our little buddy, Thurman yesterday. :( Thurman was in an Upstate SC rescue in March of this year. My wife saw him on their Facebook page after he was found all matted and sick, walking right down the middle of Wade Hampton Blvd. in Greenville, SC. Wade Hampton is a 5 lane Hwy. The rescue (Small but Mighty) took him in and nursed him to much better health, even though he had serious issues. We're Shi Tzu people, so we told them we wanted him. We had experience with dogs with issues like he had, in previous dogs, but we had to wait until early April to get him. The Veterinarian hospital the rescue uses estimated him between 13 to 16 years old. He had an enlarged heart, arthritis, glaucoma in both eyes and a cataract in one. He was the calmest, most peaceful, grateful, and easy to take care of little fellow we've ever had. Didn't fight at all when we had to clean his eyes and put in drops, didn't get upset taking a bath or getting a haircut at the groomers, took his pills easy as could be. Sometimes he would get a burst of energy and act silly and put on a little show to get a treat. He was a great car rider....would just lay down and go to sleep, but you knew when he stood up and snorted, that he needed to stop and go! He was on Lasics for his heart, so he needed a few pee breaks between our house and the beach. He had a serious heart episode about 3 weeks ago and had to spend the night in the hospital, but bounced back pretty quick. Everything was fine until last Thursday morning. He got up, went out and checked his P mail and came back in and took his morning meds, then laid back down to rest from his walk. His area had pee pads and I heard him up stirring around, went and looked and he had 4 accidents on his pads, one with diarrhea. It got worse as the day went on, then eased off that evening. He stopped eating Friday evening, but kept drinking water like always. I had taken him to our vet on Friday morning and his heart and breathing was fine and the vet said to just monitor him. We took him back yesterday and he hadn't eaten 3 bites since Friday, and I was having to give him water with a syringe to keep him hydrated. He was so weak he couldn't hardly walk. His heart murmur was much worse than 3 weeks ago, and his kidney function had greatly decreased. The Vet said that he had a slim chance of recovery to normal if at all, so we decided it was best for him if we let him go to The Rainbow Bridge instead of prolonging his suffering to make ourselves feel better.

This has been long, as these type posts often are. If you read this far, I sincerely appreciate it. Like so many of you, I have had to write goodbye tribute posts about awesome pets before, and no doubt will someday again if I don't go first. So, Rest in Peace Thurman, aka Thurmanator, aka Senator Thurman from the great state of SC (we know Strom's name was spelled different. lol), aka T man. 5 months with you seemed like 5 minutes because you were such a good boy.

RIP Thurman. Beautiful little guy! Remarkable they found him on a 5 lane highway. Kudos to you and the wife for giving him an amazing loving ending to a good long life.
Here's our Piper sizing up a horse and "scouting"
Our condolences from Lori, Piper and me.


You have our condolences. It's tough to lose a four legged family member.
Thurmanator.....I love it! Sorry for your loss JD. You guys gave the little guy lots of love for the short time that you had him. RIP Thurman.
RIP Thurman. Beautiful little guy! Remarkable they found him on a 5 lane highway. Kudos to you and the wife for giving him an amazing loving ending to a good long life.
Here's our Piper sizing up a horse and "scouting"
Our condolences from Lori, Piper and me.

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Piper looks like the first one we ever had.....Annie. They are great little dogs.
So sad to hear this !
They are our best friends.
They give unconditional love.
I don't know what I would do without my Sammi and Tammi.
Thurmanator.....I love it! Sorry for your loss JD. You guys gave the little guy lots of love for the short time that you had him. RIP Thurman.
The day we picked him up at the rescue, the lady told us if he became too much to deal with, to please bring him back. I'd already figured out how gentle and easy to get along with he was. I had already given him that nickname, so I took my sunglasses off the top of my head, sat them on his nose while holding the ear pieces from behind his head, and with my best Arnold impression said "I'm the Thermanator....I won't be back!" He never flinched because of the glasses, and she busted out laughing. Just goes to show that a bad day yesterday can't erase the great memories. :)
God bless you for giving him the best days at the end. It's never easy saying good bye. Y'all did the right and very best thing for Ol' Thurman. Rest easy.....
Great tribute to T-man.

You gave him a loving family for his last months. God's animals deserve it. I'm so glad you found him.

RIP T-man.
R.I.P. Thurman

Bless you and your family for giving him a home to live out his final days in peace and love. We are so blessed to have the unconditional love of pets to enrich our lives, they give so much while asking so little in return.
Makes me so sad. I love dogs so much and had to make these decisions many times. He was one lucky dog to have you.
The day we picked him up at the rescue, the lady told us if he became too much to deal with, to please bring him back. I'd already figured out how gentle and easy to get along with he was. I had already given him that nickname, so I took my sunglasses off the top of my head, sat them on his nose while holding the ear pieces from behind his head, and with my best Arnold impression said "I'm the Thermanator....I won't be back!" He never flinched because of the glasses, and she busted out laughing. Just goes to show that a bad day yesterday can't erase the great memories. :)
LOL...Great story and memory.
All my dogs have been rescues and all of them have been great. If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to build a place for them all.
We lost our little buddy, Thurman yesterday. :( Thurman was in an Upstate SC rescue in March of this year. My wife saw him on their Facebook page after he was found all matted and sick, walking right down the middle of Wade Hampton Blvd. in Greenville, SC. Wade Hampton is a 5 lane Hwy. The rescue (Small but Mighty) took him in and nursed him to much better health, even though he had serious issues. We're Shi Tzu people, so we told them we wanted him. We had experience with dogs with issues like he had, in previous dogs, but we had to wait until early April to get him. The Veterinarian hospital the rescue uses estimated him between 13 to 16 years old. He had an enlarged heart, arthritis, glaucoma in both eyes and a cataract in one. He was the calmest, most peaceful, grateful, and easy to take care of little fellow we've ever had. Didn't fight at all when we had to clean his eyes and put in drops, didn't get upset taking a bath or getting a haircut at the groomers, took his pills easy as could be. Sometimes he would get a burst of energy and act silly and put on a little show to get a treat. He was a great car rider....would just lay down and go to sleep, but you knew when he stood up and snorted, that he needed to stop and go! He was on Lasics for his heart, so he needed a few pee breaks between our house and the beach. He had a serious heart episode about 3 weeks ago and had to spend the night in the hospital, but bounced back pretty quick. Everything was fine until last Thursday morning. He got up, went out and checked his P mail and came back in and took his morning meds, then laid back down to rest from his walk. His area had pee pads and I heard him up stirring around, went and looked and he had 4 accidents on his pads, one with diarrhea. It got worse as the day went on, then eased off that evening. He stopped eating Friday evening, but kept drinking water like always. I had taken him to our vet on Friday morning and his heart and breathing was fine and the vet said to just monitor him. We took him back yesterday and he hadn't eaten 3 bites since Friday, and I was having to give him water with a syringe to keep him hydrated. He was so weak he couldn't hardly walk. His heart murmur was much worse than 3 weeks ago, and his kidney function had greatly decreased. The Vet said that he had a slim chance of recovery to normal if at all, so we decided it was best for him if we let him go to The Rainbow Bridge instead of prolonging his suffering to make ourselves feel better.

This has been long, as these type posts often are. If you read this far, I sincerely appreciate it. Like so many of you, I have had to write goodbye tribute posts about awesome pets before, and no doubt will someday again if I don't go first. So, Rest in Peace Thurman, aka Thurmanator, aka Senator Thurman from the great state of SC (we know Strom's name was spelled different. lol), aka T man. 5 months with you seemed like 5 minutes because you were such a good boy.

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He was lucky that day your wife found him & Im sure yall gave him the best days of his life !