R.I.P. Thurman

So sorry to hear that. They are the best (my opinion).
After losing my buddy Riley Feb 12, 2024, I just lost my beautiful sweet Belle. She was diagnosed with an enlarged heart in January and had been on heart meds since. She had lost 3½ lbs in less than a year. She got sick at 5:30am, and again at 7:30am, before having a syncope event. I knew it was time to take her. And I hate what I did to her. I miss them both so much. I can look at pictures of them and laugh and cry at the same time.
A few years ago.
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And one of my last pictures of her.
@tinman2 Thanks, and I am sorry for your loss also. Poor little Thurman had two syncope episodes last weekend. I never knew the difference between them and a full blown seizure until our Vet explained it to me. Our first two, Annie and Rags both had full seizure's in their later years. They were horrible compared to the syncope's that Thurman had. They are wonderful little dogs. The other Shi Tzu we got is Bella. 8 years old and healthy as can be. Her pic is in the 'Dogs' thread, but I'll add one here too. She misses Thurman, for sure.
Sorry for your loss, you gave Thurman a great gift in a happy home to live out his days... Takes a special person to adopt a senior dog knowing full well your gonna get attached & you won't have long before you lose another family member.... But memories like the Thurmanator story will live on.... Your a good man...
I am sorry to hear about this.
Takes a special person to adopt a senior dog knowing full well your gonna get attached & you won't have long before you lose another family member.
I couldn't agree more, and well said.

So sorry for your loss, and thank you for taking-in a rescue dog and loving him. He may have had a hard life early-on, but you gave him his Best Life possible, and rest assured that was appreciated.

Our two rescues are spoiled rotten, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
