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  1. I

    [WANTED] Master Cylinder Cover (SAE-70 R3)

    Pre '70 a-body with disc brakes
  2. A56

    Random pictures thread

  3. toolmanmike

    273 commando Build

    You will have to post it on You tube and then post the link here.
  4. A56

    Random pictures thread

  5. L

    Random pictures thread

  6. J

    I wish it was closer craigslist finds

    we got a cali two-fer today! 1st of all somebody go buy this so i don't. cheap thrills and low stakes! TONS of potential here, and if it's as advertised that's not an awful price...
  7. MDchanic

    1972 Plymouth Valiant 4 door Auto Slant 6

    Excellent. Easy enough to figure out what part of the choke is missing or not connected. How did you end up getting that stud out? – Eric
  8. stroker402

    273 commando Build

    say are you guys seeing and hearing a video? I just see a pic here on my end.
  9. mopar head

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    Hey dip ****, you added 67-69 Darts and 67-69 notchbacks, I`ve written them down trying to help you find a car. I recently listed 2 cars and a anonymous mod took the thread down, asking me to PM you any cars. F that and F you poser, I`m done with trying to help you find a car that you wouldn`t...
  10. E

    1972 Plymouth Valiant 4 door Auto Slant 6

    Got it running. These are neat! I think I don’t have choke tho.
  11. cudamike13

    Random pictures thread

    I had a new 66, but my interior was white.
  12. cudamike13

    Random pictures thread

  13. RustyRatRod

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    Please let's don't and say we did. It's be a clusterfrig at this point.
  14. S'cuder

    leaf filter or leaf guard?

    We've had had Leaf Filter for five years or so. It works well. My wife insisted after watching me on the ladder twice a year. We ended up paying just over half of their original quote. It helps to look shocked at the number, and keep saying no. We also got a discount by being flexible on...
  15. RAT ROD AL

    [FOR SALE] Parting out 65 Barracuda

    Side glass was all busted out. .
  16. RustyRatRod

    What Are You Doing To/With Your Car Today?

    So maybe new paint counts as going back together? Also, I got a PILE of parts comin too. lol
  17. RustyRatRod

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    Re-jetting a carburetor only covers the power circuit. Unless you get a Holley HP of a Quick Fuel, you will have zero adjustability in the idle circuit and that's where 90% or more of your problem will be. I strongly recommend rethinking to something like a 650 AVSII.
  18. Valman

    Valve Clearance on Larger Camshaft and Flat Top Pistons

    True, under 0.040’’ is a good figure to aim at for squish / quench, provided PV clearances are ok. That’s assuming closed chamber heads, open chamber is another story.
  19. 72Duster440

    440 Lower Radiator Hose

    20609 I believe is what I am using.
  20. cudamike13

    I wish it was closer craigslist finds

    I say yes. You have a good eye!
  21. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Chevy people everywhere, hard to find local Mopar people............................:lol:
  22. RustyRatRod

    leaf filter or leaf guard?

    Ehhhhh any idiot can see why you don't have um. That snow would break them right off. lol
  23. abdywgn

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go... gee, I didn't get my first car till I was 49. enjoy your new car and keep the oil changed.
  24. Petty Betty

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    That’s awesome! It’s great when you find decent people.
  25. 72Duster440

    Who's got a painting of their car?

    I've got a painting of mine, a banner and a inked sketch.
  26. mopar head

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    Liar :rolleyes:
  27. 4

    Aluminum head shine

    Maybe next time I will try painting them, or try the Speedy All Metal Polish. I took the no money approach today and tried some Acti-Brite aluminum coil cleaner I had in the garage. It worked pretty well. Not the mirror finish of a new head, but it now looks like clean unpolished aluminum...
  28. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    That's awesome and great-looking car! Congrats to her!!:thumbsup: