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  • Users: T-REX
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  1. T-REX

    Intake opinionz....

    No problem....Understanding what I write will no longer be a problem...!!!
  2. T-REX

    Intake opinionz....

    (English is a dying language. ) Boy, doez that statement open up a politikle kan ov wormz.....An U from Ca..... I'm 4' 6" , weigh 345#s, bald, wit one green eye an a blu one, an wear a size 13 shoo on my leff foot an a 11 1/2 on tha rite...Now, U tell me what tha hell datz gotta do wit tha...
  3. T-REX

    Intake opinionz....

    OK...soundz good ta me.....I have a 600 holley...But, I reely do hate holley''ll see what I kin kum up wit...Thankz fer tha reply'z!!
  4. T-REX

    Intake opinionz....

    I'm put'in my ole 66 wagon back together az a purdy much stockie daily driver...Tha engine that wuz in tha car wuz a pump'd 318, with a 650 AFB carb on a 273 single plane manifold...I am thank'in bout goin back with a 2 barrel carb, but don't redily have a manifold....I have tha 273 manifold, a...
  5. T-REX

    904 with overdrive???

    Hey Dodge freek...Ya have ta put a U wit BY ta BUY a new car....Dahhhhhhh....An which skool U went to????......Lol......U have a nice day ya heer!!! Oh, an juss fer ya'llz info, I wuz inquire'in about a camshaft for tha stockie mota fer low end torque, and then use tha OD to put tha mota in...
  6. T-REX

    904 with overdrive???

    I appreciate ya'll reply's(Teknikle advise, az well az all tha english teecherz!! wuz very helpfull, and made me stop an thank about my combo....So, Have'in 2:76 geerz and 14" tirez(2:25X60X14), maybe I should juss put tha stockie 904 in it... Oh, spellchekk iz fer...
  7. T-REX

    904 with overdrive???

    I knoiw it's not call'd a 904 after they kame out wit tha OD and lock up, but it's tha same size az tha 904......I had one once that kame out a dodge dakota, wit a v-6 and it wuzn't all that computer controll'd stuff....Most places I go to ask about one seemz to thank they don't exsist, but I...
  8. T-REX

    Born in the 50'es and the 70 was good to me.

    They reely wuz sum 70's?????.......I alwayz wunder'd wher tha early 70's went, I rekk'on I juss kan't remember them????.......I wuz 18 in 1970, Had my shag carpet'd 66 dodge van an tried my bess ta live up ta tha national moto.."Make luv not war"....I know I had a blast ther fer several...
  9. T-REX

    Mopar show pics - Mopars @ the Marina

    Reely good pics....Thankz!!! I didn't git ta meet ya, altho I did see ya talk'in ta ole demon befo we leff.....Had a grand ole time...maybe see ya at tha nex mopar gather'in!!.....REX
  10. T-REX

    66 dart with 360 ...what manifolds or headers?

    I used 68 340 dart manifolds on my 66 dart wagon, wit a 72' 360 auto...had to grind a lil on tha steer'in box when I went to power steer'in!!....
  11. T-REX

    Very usefull tranny info.....

    Ya'll may already know this, but a friend ov mine juss sent this to me...I have a 66 dart wagon and been runn'in a 904 tranny...I wanted a overdrive tranny, but never found tha one I needed that wuzn't computer controlled....Well, reed this and it will open up sum new doors for us miserz look'in...
  12. T-REX

    Some people at Car shows

    I wish I had a nickle ever time my 66 dart wagon wuz call'd a FALCON WAGON????.....
  13. T-REX

    8 3/4 Rearend

    U go buy replacement gaskets now, and sumtimes all U git iz a tube ov silicone instead ov a gasket....Mite have an underly'in message..;-)
  14. T-REX

    slant 6, 4 speed

    Wher boutz in kentuky???? ov now, I plan on race'in at tha world finalz in jasper tn in October.....
  15. T-REX

    slant 6, 4 speed

    Damm guyz, ya'll need ta move a lil closer...Lol.....I got sum time, Less see what happenz.....I will be goin up in a northern direction later this yeer, mite kin hook up wit sumbody!!...Juss ain't sho about wher an when yet...
  16. T-REX

    slant 6, 4 speed

    I have a 4speed, flywheel back, and I would sho like to swap it all for a good automatik for a slant six.....Anybody close ta Lousiana, an wanna make a swap, gimme a holler...I still luv tha ole 4 speeds, but my ole legz don't share tha same feel'
  17. T-REX

    Valve body's????

    OK, maybe not TCI...LOL....I toll ya'll I kan't remember how ta tell tha differnce from a stockie an a manual shiff...How am I poz'd ta remember who made what???/.... Oh, by tha way, it haz tha blocker rod, but it ain't got no numbers other than tha chrysler cast numbers!!!.....It'z goin in...
  18. T-REX

    Valve body's????

    Thjankz Bob...If I remember rite, this wuz a "cheeta" valve body...But, I kan't find any markings to validate this...U would thank it would have TCI's mark on it sumwher??
  19. T-REX

    904 converter weights????

    Thankz Cuda, Mine iz a 73...But tha way my luck iz, I will git tha only magnum FP leff in exzistance...Lol
  20. T-REX

    904 converter weights????

    Ordered tha B&M flexplate...Thankz guyz!!
  21. T-REX

    Valve body's????

    One other question??....I have a reverse patern, manual valve body, and haz gotten mix'd up wit sum stockies...How kan I tell which one iz what????.....It's for a 904...I kan't remember any distinkt diffrences...ole age iz a *****!!!.....Thankz
  22. T-REX

    904 converter weights????

    Thankz gentlemen......
  23. T-REX

    PT Broozer project

    Toolman, I reely wuzn't like'in tha 4 doors, but I decided to take tha eazy way out, and leeve it alone..Lol....I'm not particularly krazy about chopp'd tops(I like tha lookz, but don't like drive'in it...feel's like I'm all closed in!! and kan't see good)...I wanna keep it look'in az stock az...
  24. T-REX

    PT Broozer project

    Kicked off a new project a couple months ago...2001 PT Cruiser.....Tube chassis(bought chassis from My brother, it wuz under a fiberglass 71 challenger wit a hemi)...Modified tha chassis to go under tha skin ov tha PT...damm neer coulda built a chassis from scratch, cept for tha money...
  25. T-REX

    904 converter weights????

    I have a 2500 stall converter that wuz originally behind a 360(weighted converter)...about 5 or 6 yeerz ago, I took tha 360 out, and replaced it with a 318...I knocked off tha weights(ther were 2) and put them up incase I decided to go back to a 360...Well, I am now building a 360 for a PT...
  26. T-REX

    Diesel tranny woes.....Help pleeze

    Well gentlemen'z, after a few weekz ov doctor'in my ole Truck, and tha tranny not ever git'in back to wher it wuz(altho I thunk tha Batteries dun it), I talk'in to a Cumminz specialist about my problem...He never blink'd when he said, "Change tha throttle linkage!!"....He said if it had more tha...
  27. T-REX

    Diesel tranny woes.....Help pleeze

    Amen on tha glass's!!!!.........After have'in to go to tha eye doctor to remover steel, aluminium, and bout everthang else U kan thank ov, I alwayz wear safety glass's when they tha SLIGHTEST chance to git sumpth'in in my eyes!!!.....I ussa thank it wuzn't worth tha trouble to go hunt down a...
  28. T-REX

    Diesel tranny woes.....Help pleeze

    Fishy.....U IZ MY HERO!!!...:-)........ I went on a battery cleen up venture today, after yo suggestion....U wuz dead on!!....I replaced all battery ends, cleen'd all connections, and found tha positive post on tha driver side battery wuz broke, and seep'in acid...I replaced tha battery, and...
  29. T-REX

    Diesel tranny woes.....Help pleeze

    Thankz Fishy...I have been have'in a lot ov battery cable "Groth) here lately!!!....Seems to grow that corrosion over nite!!!...I have dun ever thang to try and stop it, even put new endsa on them, but still git'z a ball ov corrosion!!!.....U juss may have solved my problem...who woulda...
  30. T-REX

    Diesel tranny woes.....Help pleeze

    I'm quite familiar wit 727's, but this overdrive/lockup stuff iz beyond me...When I wuz race'in, a 727 wuz a 727, now they got stuff I kan't control,,,So, I need sum expert advice...Hope'in sum ov U guru'z kan hep me out.... I don't thank it's major, but iz gunna leed to sumpth'in major if it...