Well-Known Member
I have a 2500 stall converter that wuz originally behind a 360(weighted converter)...about 5 or 6 yeerz ago, I took tha 360 out, and replaced it with a 318...I knocked off tha weights(ther were 2) and put them up incase I decided to go back to a 360...Well, I am now building a 360 for a PT Kroozer project, and I want tha converter back behind tha 360....Soooooo, Now, I have NO DAMM IDEER wher I put them weights????...I have sum other external balanced converters, but they have only one weight on them(but, I'm not sure what they were behind...440's I thank!!!..,...
Doez anybody have any ideer what thoze weights were(how much they weigh??)....I sho would like to git over this lil obstikle witout spend'in nex months salary!!!....Any help appreciated!!!
Doez anybody have any ideer what thoze weights were(how much they weigh??)....I sho would like to git over this lil obstikle witout spend'in nex months salary!!!....Any help appreciated!!!