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  1. Mr Hemi

    Who likes Neil Peart's drumming?

    I saw in 1978 2112 concert. I think the ticket was $7.00 and a case of beer was $3.75
  2. Mr Hemi

    '72 360 orange or blue ?

    Hemi Orange
  3. Mr Hemi

    Parts car for project Scamp

    Interested in the 4 Speed hump
  4. Mr Hemi

    Coolest Car Movies

    YouTube - ‪Fast Company (1978)‬‏
  5. Mr Hemi

    Coolest Car Movies

    YouTube - ‪Vanishing Point Trailer‬‏
  6. Mr Hemi

    Coolest Car Movies

    YouTube - ‪Phantasm (1979) - Theatrical Trailer‬‏
  7. Mr Hemi

    Coolest Car Movies

  8. Mr Hemi

    Coolest Car Movies

  9. Mr Hemi

    Coolest Car Movies

    Vanishing point. Fast Company. (Was filmed in my home town and track) Famtasm (The Cuda)
  10. Mr Hemi

    finally found the car i wanted but you will hate me

    It's a Chevy. Mechanic's love 'em because they make us rich.
  11. Mr Hemi

    Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

    Lots of fish in the sea.
  12. Mr Hemi

    Demon Carb

    Don't buy a Demon. There's a reason Barry Grant went out of business. No serviceable parts anymore. Zero warranty.
  13. Mr Hemi

    Strong Gas Smell....?

    Could be coming out of the fuel pump vent hole
  14. Mr Hemi

    Starkey & Hutch Torino

    They also gave us the Pinto. It shows
  15. Mr Hemi


    Leafs suck as bad as the Oilers, but we have better draft picks LOL
  16. Mr Hemi

    Do you own a Ford Truck or Automobile?

    Like my dad always said Ford Sucks
  17. Mr Hemi

    Our New Boxer "Bullit 2" is Here!!!!!

    My favourite dog. The best once they grow up after two years lol.
  18. Mr Hemi

    I walked away.....

    Ouch, got a sore neck just lookin
  19. Mr Hemi

    Wowwwww, how can i pass this up?lolo

    Nice big block, a/c, 8 3/4 Good deal
  20. Mr Hemi

    ...........air bags........
  21. Mr Hemi

    I shoveled some of my roof off.

    That's a bad as Edmonton, Alberta. LOL nothing like Canada eh!
  22. Mr Hemi

    A/C compressor as air compressor question

    Yes the V-2 has a oil sump. Most of the conversions I saw in the early days used York (Ford) compressors. 1976 and earlier. Sorry I know I used the F word.
  23. Mr Hemi

    Coldest weather this winter is on the way.

    Canadian weather always sucks,-30C today. May be warm by June.
  24. Mr Hemi

    Coldest weather this winter is on the way.

    Global warming LOL. You being listening to Gore again. Junk Science. Time to listen to real experts.
  25. Mr Hemi

    VISA, MC Card scam targeting Canadians,,for now

    ****, that's nothing. They can walk up close to your wallet now and scan your info. with everything just by being close. And you'll never know. TILL LATER
  26. Mr Hemi

    Damn Tree huggers and oil prices

    Wait till it's over $5.00 a gallon
  27. Mr Hemi

    It's finally time

    Enjoy your time off I been laid off since June and love everyday. Depends on how you want to look at it.