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  1. 169dart4y

    Not my mopar, but need advise on 5.7 vortec chevy

    Yes I'm not sure what happen but the shop owner said he would take care of me. Big dent in the top of the piston, no marks on the head or valves. Unless they were sticking a scope /camera in there and the piston hit it. They did take the head off to see what was happening and noticed the crack...
  2. 169dart4y

    Not my mopar, but need advise on 5.7 vortec chevy

    Had my work van in to have the injectors replaced and got a call that there is a crack in the cylinder wall. It looks like I need a whole motor. It's a 98 votec 350 chevy , it's a Grummans panel van 3/4 ton so I would say I need a 4 bolt main truck motor. I looked at Summits and ebay. any...
  3. 169dart4y

    Any luck finding Ammo?

    Try Bud's gun shop : Sometimes the less expensive are back ordered but you can be put on a list when they get more. I'm getting my new Taurus Tracker 357 tomorrow.
  4. 169dart4y

    Had some fun this weekend--gun powder

    I'm getting my new Taurus 357 Tracker in the next couple of days. I can't wait to try it. :)
  5. 169dart4y

    Anyone not getting cars out due to gas $ ?

    Well it doesn't stop me from going to do what I like to do ski/windsurf/ surf / sea kayak all in the dart. It's the weekend car, I drive my van's at work enough and the dart is way more fun.
  6. 169dart4y

    vegas or phoenix

    What ever you do watch out for the hookers! Not that I would do that sort of thing. I heard of a guy who woke up in his hotel room and was missing his Kidney? Not sure if it's true? Have fun vegas is fun and do the bungy tower next to circus circus, 18 story jump what a blast. AJ hacket :blob:
  7. 169dart4y

    Wrong way freeway drivers

    They say wrong way drivers are always in the fast lane because they are lost and really think there in the slow lane? I have seen one once 30+ years ago, I was a passenger in a car on hwy 101 in San Reafel and yes the driver was in the fast lane?
  8. 169dart4y

    New toy from x-mas I just received!

    Here I am showing off my new Norvorca carbon fiber Greenland paddle!
  9. 169dart4y

    Storage wars pisses me off

  10. 169dart4y

    Wendy's lost my identity. Can I sue?

    I would say if they terminate you, this would be illegal to terminate because your supervisor or USPS lost it. This is not your fault. Good luck with your situation.
  11. 169dart4y

    What do you guys drive in the Winter

    This is just one of my fleet I drive but here's the truck and the catalytic converter with a catclamp after it was replaced . Someone cut the old one off in my driveway. Thieves!http:
  12. 169dart4y

    Your Collections?

    Well I don't think I'm collecting but I have accumulated a lot of windsurfing boards , mostly Haut sailboards of Santa Cruz Ca .
  13. 169dart4y

    I hate thieves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry to hear about the snow blower, Yes I am a victim myself the thieves cut the catalytic converter off my 93 Toyota 4x4 truck. It happened right in my driveway with the street light blaring. I figured it was just a matter of time before it happened somewhere to that truck. Now I wish I...
  14. 169dart4y

    POLL... What is your age group?

    I'm 46 . :blob:
  15. 169dart4y

    Old Man - Red Light Kings

    I've always been a big Neil Young fan and I really like the song Red light kings did with old man.
  16. 169dart4y

    what do yall think?

    Super sharp look is it an R/T or the SRT8 . I wanted one before I put the 318 in the dart.
  17. 169dart4y

    Honestly........ This is my cat.

    Gracie say's your just a bunch of fat cats! She get's her toast with butter and jelly every morning. She asks for her crack!
  18. 169dart4y

    so you thought you lived in a nice neighborhood

    I would think that your neighbor was doing something with a lot of $$$, Growing something? a lot of this going on in Cali now that it is legal? More than likely thug's won't target your house unless they know what there looking for. I lock my doors all the time and even when I'm home you...
  19. 169dart4y

    Look what one of my customer's has on his property! Not an a body

    Here is a link to youtube wheeler and dealers. Shows a running interceptor. YouTube - Wheeler Dealers Jensen Interceptor Part 1
  20. 169dart4y

    Look what one of my customer's has on his property! Not an a body

    Well I don't know much about these car but it looks like it's a coupe to me from what I have seen? Here's a link that someone else is calling it a coupe...
  21. 169dart4y

    Can anyone tell me how to correct the way the threads are posted?

    Thanks again I think I figured it out and I'm back to oldest post first . Take care Ted
  22. 169dart4y

    Can anyone tell me how to correct the way the threads are posted?

    For some reason all the threads are posted backwards when I read them, meaning the last post on the thread shows first so I have to scroll down to the bottom to read the first post even sometimes the last page to read the first post. This problem just happened about two weeks ago? Thanks Ted
  23. 169dart4y

    Look what one of my customer's has on his property! Not an a body

    Apparently this one is a 73 coupe 440 four barrel model and there were about 1500 made total. I tried to open the hood but the cable to release it was frozen[Rusted}. The leather seats cracked when I nealed on them to release the cable.Later I asked him about the car in more detail and that's...
  24. 169dart4y

    Look what one of my customer's has on his property! Not an a body

    I'm working for a customer with his new house and noticed a car on the property and asked him about it and he told me it has a 440 big block motor. He said the car was loosing power and found the a/c unit was seized up so he started to pull it and ended up pulling the motor and didn't find...
  25. 169dart4y

    I Hate the words "Parting Out"

    I parted a wrecked 74 and sold what I didn't need to other people saving there darts.
  26. 169dart4y

    Tired of Winter Yet? Anxious For Spring?

    Went out Kayaking yesterday and it was in the low 80. Absolutely beautiful weather here in northern Cal. Here are a couple of shots loading up after kayaking.
  27. 169dart4y

    sumthin screwy here

    You can tell it is a scam just how it is written and the words chosen to describe the sale ect . I'd be a bit skeptical? Later dude :drinkers:
  28. 169dart4y

    Tired of Winter Yet? Anxious For Spring?

    Today it hit a record for Santa Rosa Ca 79 degree's so I had to take the dart around town to do some running around. Spring in February? Going sea kayaking tomorrow maybe I'll bring the camera for a photo shoot. Hope all is well with everyone else!
  29. 169dart4y

    Surgery question

    Sorry to hear about your leg/ankle. My wife broke her ankle about four months ago, she has a plate and eight screws and yes plenty of rest keep it elevated and ice like the other guy said and she's up and around full time at work. I would suggest you get a knee walker to get around the house...