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  1. 408 swinger

    Munsters Movie

    The Munsters: Rob Zombie Reveals First Look at Recreated Munsters House Set Don't know if any y'all know of this. Pretty freaking cool!
  2. 408 swinger

    45th Anniversary of The Wreck of The Edmond Fitzgerald

    Forty five years ago. The gales of November sure hit NW Iowa today. Wife, for some unknown reason, had an alert on her phone about a service for this. Usually I see this topic posted up. I looked but didn't see anything. If it has, mods can delete or move or whatever.
  3. 408 swinger

    Lost another one...

    Larry Rathgeb. Instrumental in the wing car projects. Mopar racing legend Larry Rathgeb passed on today
  4. 408 swinger

    How to get a thread seen.

    Out of curiosity, I noticed a want add I posted is only in the want add section. I have seen want adds show up as "new posts". No biggie, just wondering. Thanks!