%#*?€# kids!



Tattooed white trash
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Ft. Worth Texas
So my wife and I loaned her little brother money to get a truck, I helped him rebuild the front end, fix a few messed up things, and then we painted it torch red. He's been driving it for about a year, and it had to have a transmission, so I shell out a other $1500. He thought it would be a good idea to do some donuts to impress his girlfriend and proceeds to slam into 3 parked cars.....


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Insurance won't be touching someone with a 10 foot pole after that.
And this is why kids should be driving a crapped out Corolla until they can buy something nice on their own.

Just for fun, I Googled "crapped out Corolla"

This is what came up.


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I learned many years ago doing donuts does not impress the girl it just gets the cops attention. After they see you they immediately want to give you a piece of paper with their signature on it.
Stupid is as stupid does. This boy needs to grow up and stand on his own two feet. Glad no body got hurt except your bank account. Hope lesson learned by all.:banghead:
now would be a good time to explain to him your belt does more then just keep your pants up
Kids need to learn those lessons. It sounds like nobody got hurt. Maybe this saved him from doing something else stupid with the truck and hurting somebody or himself. I did something stupid with a car when I was young, lost my car (and had to sell my highschool 340 Duster to pay for damage), walked or took a bus for a couple years but nobody got hurt. I was nuts at the time in a car and it might have saved me or others to learn this lesson. Hopefully he has to pay for this in money and his own discomfort as I did. I would make it clear that he screwed up bigtime and he now has to pay you back for his mistake. Good luck.
My oldest daughter is out in the cold these days so to speak. After years of trying to help her and she just kept doing dumb stuff (and drugs) and then calls me names when I shut down the money tree. Just another moron in the long list of people who believe they are entitled to other people's money and belongings. Yeah, I called her a moron because she is for thinking that way. I sure didn't raise her like that.
Putting on my Dr Shil hat here, it sounds to me like you are what is called "the enabler" Ask yourself of all this money you loaned him, and the work you put into painting and fixing it? What did HE have invested? Was he/ did he pay any of it back before this?

Is he "of age?" YOU might be partly or wholly responsible and insurance may or may not pay the damages of an illegal act.