1/2 price models at Michaels



Jul 30, 2006
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Darien, Illinois
don't know if it was just the one by us or all or them, but all the plastic kits were half off. looks like they are going the way of the doodoo bird.
Not really, still alot of interest. They have 1/2 off sale frequently and also, who wants to pay $35+ for a plastic model?
If we could only get the youth into building models, or some of the hobbies we did as kids. Phones and computers is all they're into today.
As a parent and grandfather I tried my best to get the kids interested in the hobbies, such as RC cars and building models, but all for naught. My son got into sports and so did my grandson. Son is 40 with his own family and I'm working on his son to gain interest into modeling. My grandson is 17 and his phone is his crutch. When the grandson was young I would bring an RC car that we would run to get him interested, unfortunately that was short lived. It sure is a different world today.
silly me still buys Hot Wheels, Matchbox, model kits and Tonka's when I see 'um. my wife is probably correct: if I predecease her, she's going to call my sister, the coroner and the garbage company for a BIG dumpster. guess I better find some of the stuff homes now and enjoy the rest. my nephew, who is 40, used to build car kits. not sure if he has time or interest anymore.
When I was a kid in the early 70s good model kits were about $5.00, boy times have changed.
It's funny a couple years ago I was going thru my old model stuff and found a road runner I'd build I opened it up and found the receipt In the box. I got the model, some glue, paint, a bag of red vines and a box of shotgun shells all for like 20 bucks. That was in 2001! I priced the same items in 2020 or whenever it was and it was almost doubled! I'd hate to know what it is know! I bet it's doubled again. I'll have to go back and find the thread I'm pretty sure I posted about it on here !
Found it! It was back in 2019! And I stand corrected it tripled in price in 18 years! I should figure it up again and see how much it went up in the last 5 years!
It's funny a couple years ago I was going thru my old model stuff and found a road runner I'd build I opened it up and found the receipt In the box. I got the model, some glue, paint, a bag of red vines and a box of shotgun shells all for like 20 bucks. That was in 2001! I priced the same items in 2020 or whenever it was and it was almost doubled! I'd hate to know what it is know! I bet it's doubled again. I'll have to go back and find the thread I'm pretty sure I posted about it on here !

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When I was a kid in the early 70s good model kits were about $5.00, boy times have changed.
I have rethought that statement and I think they were about $2.25 to $2.50 in the early 70s because you could collect up some returnable soda bottles and turn them in for cash and it was only a nickel a bottle.
Ben Franklin had them for box price, usually $2. The drugstore next door had them for a buck. Stocked up there.
Ben Franklin...lol. There's a blast from the past!! We had one in town and right next to it was a store called Tempo. Both long gone now!
I'm sure your income hasn't increased 300% in the same time period.
That's not really the point. But ok. I know my income hasn't increased in the last 4 year to keep up with the price increases but that not the point of my post. The gentleman said back in the 70s models where like $2.50. In the 2000s they were less than 20.
When I was a kid in the early 70s good model kits were about $5.00, boy times have changed.
20-30 years ago, a $ was a $ , today it takes 10 $ to make a $ !!! or is it 20 $ to make a $ ???

And...... the cell phone is the down fall of America's mental state and ability to be conduct everyday business. Especially as far as the youth and young people are concerned. IMHO
Ben Franklin...lol. There's a blast from the past!! We had one in town and right next to it was a store called Tempo. Both long gone now!
Same here, Ben Franklins for hot wheels and models, next door was a Western Auto. A young boys treasure trove of stuff, guns, shells, bicycles. Long gone as well.
don't know if it was just the one by us or all or them, but all the plastic kits were half off. looks like they are going the way of the doodoo bird.

Many of the stores are gearing up to start stocking Airfix kits.
Another thing I've being doing with my Grandson, 17yrs. old, and my 6yr. old Grandson is buying Hess Trucks since they were born. I was hoping it would rub off on the elder one but no good, so far the 6 yr. old is a little inquisitive and I hope it continues and I will continue educating him in doing mechanical things and building models. For his 6the Birthday I bought him an RC truck and so far so good. We'll see if he sticks with it.