1/2 price models at Michaels

If we could only get the youth into building models, or some of the hobbies we did as kids. Phones and computers is all they're into today.
On the plus side, you no longer have to have that "birds and bees" splaining to your kids. They no longer ask, "where do babies come from" since saw that and more on the web. But, the aberrant activities might confuse them ("no, we don't do that"). Even in the 1990's, I had to keep my boys off the PC and outside to hang with other kids in the park behind us. Then I would hear my younger kid playing "verbal virtual PC games" with another kicked-out kid in the park, saying things like, "Now I block you with my shield and use my phasor, ...".
don't know if it was just the one by us or all or them, but all the plastic kits were half off. looks like they are going the way of the doodoo bird.
Can you buy/order kits online or do you have to go into the store itself?
If we could only get the youth into building models, or some of the hobbies we did as kids. Phones and computers is all they're into today.
I am still trying to figure out what many youth are interested in beyond their glowing box. I have big trouble with neighbor kid, his cousins and their friends. Beyond cannabis and doing things to bug **** out of the neighbors, I can not figure out their interests.
What are the same figures on inflation from 1926 -1970 I wonder?
1913 Federal Reserve Act


Gold Standard, or remnants of, finally ended in 1973

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