question, if i go from 1bl carb to 2 bl carb....can i keep my original 1961 linkage(bell/crank)..? it is a 3 spd floor shift, so, kickdown not an issue.
In more detail... the throttle "pull" on the 1bbl is straight down... the pull on the 2bbl is straight back towards the firewall — there is no way the rod linkage can pull in this direction. You have to change to a cable. A V8 cable is a better length than a later 6cyl cable (these are too long).
I don't know about the pedal... I don't have any early A's, I have done the 1bbl to 2bbl swap on a 67. I suspect it has to change, also, because you need to have a cable attachment point somewhere. You should search the forum — I know this has come up before.
the early A V8 (or slant with factory AC) bracket and it’s corresponding pedal might work or possibly the Offy rotating rod conversion setup used with the 4 barrel (which might work with a 2 barrel)
Yeah, the 2bbl is oriented like a typical V8 carb, and, in fact, is pretty much the same carb as on the 273 2bbl. So whatever works on a pre-67 V8 should be adaptable, I would think.