$10 for Stokerscamp



Thanks Hemiroid!!!!
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Triangle, V.A.
That's all we need. If you could give $10, if 100 members pich in that's $1000 and that would go along way toward helping Strokerscamp(Rob). If you want to give more then do so less that's fine too. Paypal is [email protected] Rob has helped numerous members here in their time of need meanwhile keeping his own needs quite. A little payback is in order I believe.
That's all we need. If you could give $10, if 100 members pich in that's $1000 and that would go along way toward helping Strokerscamp(Rob). If you want to give more then do so less that's fine too. Paypal is [email protected] Rob has helped numerous members here in their time of need meanwhile keeping his own needs quite. A little payback is in order I believe.

I agree and there has been a Auction thread started too.

That's all we need. If you could give $10, if 100 members pich in that's $1000 and that would go along way toward helping Strokerscamp(Rob). If you want to give more then do so less that's fine too. Paypal is [email protected] Rob has helped numerous members here in their time of need meanwhile keeping his own needs quite. A little payback is in order I believe.
Great Idea,Corey
Hey stroker, just sent you a little bit from jager43. I hope this will help get you through.
Fair question, Bill. I will just lay it out there. I had substantial savings several years ago when I got hurt. It has now run out, because we have been using it to "fill in the gaps" so to speak. I went from 60K plus as an alignment tech to a little over 13K on SS disability. I have kept the wolves at bay for a long time, but it has caught up to us and unless I can do something, my wife is fixing to be garnished. If that happens, she will lose her job, because that is one thing that they do not allow where she works. So, in short, the members here are being very generous in trying to help me stop something bad basically before it happens. This is a very personal thing for me to throw out there. I have exhausted every other avenue I know of. I can and will be glad to get as specific as anyone wants......just not on forum. I will be glad to answer any questions at all. ......and for the record, I plan to show yall exactly where any money went and what it did to help us, because I feel like those who've been kind enough to donate have a vested interest. Thank you all.
Sounds to me like your wife needs to sue her employer. WHAT COUNTRY are we in that an employer dictates that you "Must have money to make money?"
I wish I could help...I will keep you and the family in our thoughts... Sorry for all the troubles your having...
It all helps yall. Thank you.
About a year ago, another friend was in a similar position. He ended up divorcing his wife so that her paycheck wouldn't be garnisheed. They still lived together and everything is fine between them, now they are talking about remarrying, as the threat seems to have passed.

I had an employee who was being sued. He asked for help, and I brought him to a retired lawyer who had been around the block a few times. One of his suggestions was to have me sue the employee, put him into bankruptcy, and then bonus everything back to him.
We didn't do that, but some of the BS you have to go through is insane.