12 Dad jokes

today's contestants.....1. what do you get when you cross a dyslexic, an insomniac, and an agnostic? someone who lays awake at night wondering if there is a dog. 2. the term for a chronic fear of giants is fee-fi-phobia.
Only the 2 as the others would need to go in politics or get certain people upset at me as they obviously cannot poke fun at their politicians, like us Australians can it is part of the national culture to polly bash


howdy! 1. what is an english teacher's favorite breakfast food? synonym rolls. 2. why shouldn't you trust stairs? because they're always up to something.
yay! it's thursday! ok, the rest of you don't care much but i don't work friday......1.why couldn't superman play in the local playground as a child? because adult super - vision was required. 2. why do they call it a litter of puppies? because they mess up the whole house.
and a 1 and a 2 .....1.why should you never date tennis players? because love means nothing to them. 2. what do you call a train carrying bubble gum? a chew - chew train.