1965 Barracuda Puzzle

Well I did a little mini project that I thought might interest a reader or two. All my interior trim (black on this car) was pretty worn looking and had some surface rust. This was just no good. Ill show you the rest of the interior next post, but after doing this it has really come together.

Ok, so first I used the materials in the first picture, at a grand cost of $9.89 and it was enough to do all the pieces with two coats.

I wet sanded each piece, getting down to bare metal in a few places to clean up deep scratches, rusting etc. Then it was just a matter of taping off the chrome and taking my time with the paint to ensure a clean, glossy coat. Second picture is of a few of the pieces before sanding and the last pic is of a piece after first coat. Second coat was considerably more smooth.

Sure, I know some of you will be like 'hey, thats not the smoothest coat Ive ever seen,' but hey, it looks great and cost me under ten dollars!


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Yep, just work with what you got. Trust me, what you have will grow on you quickly:pr:

Ugh, I wish I was closer to you, I know where a quarter panel for your barracuda is. Shipping is ridiculous, itd kill you:tongue7:.

Haha yeah, id probably have to get the UPS driver a stripper to get a residential drop off on that one

Cool story! I did a similar thing when I got my '64 Valiant convertible. 350 miles with no top and a heater blower that was so full of leaves and garbage it wouldn't move much air. (It only snowed for about 50 miles of the journey) The guy said it ran but when I backed it up in his driveway it flooded and fuel ran all over the manifold. No carb kit was available in the little town so I took it apart, cleaned it up the best I could and with a manilla envelope cut for a gasket we headed home. That sort of adventure makes an old car more enjoyable. Keep us posted on your progress with that sweet fish.

Thats a great story too! And I know what you mean by the blower, the first time I turned mine on I got a face full of mouse hair/poop/smell
So im almost done with the interior now. I ripped out everything down to the frame. Since this is such a budget build I have been reusing as much as possible. A couple things I did:

-Removed dead mice
-Wet sanded and repainted all interior metal trim (black)
-Car came with an extra set of black leather OEM seats that were not ripped but really moldy, dirty etc. so I spent DAYS refurbishing those and put them in
-Refinished all door/window handles
-Replaced door weather stripping
-New pioneer speakers
- Steam cleaned, spot treated, and handwashed all carpets ($500 for new carpets?? I think not)
-Lots of wiring work, but ill get to that in another post
-Other than that it was just a serious deep clean of everything (remember this car sat for 10 years or so without being touched in a dusty garage full of trash etc.). Lots of leaves in the vents, mice nests, and a bee hive


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Lookin good man! :thumbrig: I feel you on the dead mice. I hated picking them up. I unfortunately had to rip up my carpet, it was so gross and rotten. I felt like I was gonna get some kinda bacteria infection from either the mice or the carpet :toothy10:
thats a lot of rust...never seen it that bad on the tops of the 1/4's before
Young and ambitious!!! Perfect. That little A sure is happy to have found you.
Lookin good man! :thumbrig: I feel you on the dead mice. I hated picking them up. I unfortunately had to rip up my carpet, it was so gross and rotten. I felt like I was gonna get some kinda bacteria infection from either the mice or the carpet :toothy10:

haha same, i wouldnt eat or anything while doing it.

Young and ambitious!!! Perfect. That little A sure is happy to have found you.

Thanks bub! Im sure glad to have found it!