1967 Barracuda Gets the 340 It Deserves



Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
St. Paul, Minn.
Once upon a time, there was a 1967 Plymouth Barracuda that was sent from the factory to a dealer in Rochester, Minn. Under the hood, this little fish sported a nice little 273 motor.

A nice little man bought this Barracuda. The Barracuda was happy, but longed for something more. As the Barracuda grew up, it heard stories of a wonderful new motor called a "340" that performed more beautifully than the nice little 273.

People said this 340 is for later Barracudas, not for you. But don't be sad, they said. "Be happy with your 273," they said.

Still, the Barracuda dreamed of the 340.

The nice little man eventually sold the Barracuda to a new man. This new man tore out the nice little 273 and put in a new thing, a block from the mid-1970s called a 318.

Was this the answer to the Barracuda's dreams? Was this the wonderful motor that performed so beautifully?

In fact, the 318 was good. The 318 powered many happy memories.

But still the Barracuda felt something was missing.

Not long ago, the Barracuda found a new home with new owners. The new owners sensed the Barracuda's longing. They could hear its cry for more.

Then a nice man who is a friend of many Barracudas spoke about a 340 that he was keeping "under the bench." This nice man agreed to part with this 340, in exchange for a nice little sum of money.

After many months of strangeness (involving a misplaced 2.02 intake J head and other mysterious happenings), the Barracuda realized its ultimate dream. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the nice man pulled out the 318 and dropped in a refurbished 340.

Such a long journey! The 1967 Barracuda, which should'a and could'a sported the glorious 340 from the very beginning, humbly accepted its birthright.

And the Barracuda was happy.

Behold: The 1967 Plymouth Barracuda 340 Formula S Convertible Tribute!

Before: Mid-'70s 318 with 273 Attire

IMG_4821 (2).JPG

Before: Yes, I Had Mud Flaps

mud flaps.JPG

After: '71 340


After: My 340 Stance


My 67 Cuda vert has a similar dream. I found my 340 a few years ago (as seen in this photo). Took 2.5 years for the machine shop to finish all machine work. It sits beneath my workbench, awaiting assembly. I loaned my engine stand and cherry picker to a friend so he could replace his junkstang’s engine (big mistake!!!). Now 9 months later I am still begging for their return. :-(

Glad your vert had a happy ending!!!
Very nice, but get rid of the glass fuel filter if you haven’t already. They can break and pooof. Get a clear plastic one
even the clear plastic ones can fail. I know first hand. I believe plastic fuel filters are illegal in CA.

That’s incorrect .

Plenty of plastic filters here.

Wonder were you heard that wives tale?