1968 Dart ashtray



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
May 28, 2012
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I need to replace a rear ashtray for a 1968 Dart convertible. It looks just like the 1964-1966. What is the difference? I can't find a 1968 listed anywhere.
GK: First I went out @ checked my 68 GT, no part# on either which is no surprise, Chrysler probably did not specify a # be stamped into these from vendor. Then I hit the parts book [march 69`revision] it calls for #2788032 for rear ash receiver. Oddly, it also calls for the same # for all BBody 4dr sedans---not 2dr`s. but confusingly calls for p/n # 2589587 for the same part! So to your question, I don't know if 64--66 will fit[someone does]. If you want new repros, Classic Industries has them for $39.95 each. Anyway if you pm me to remind me , I`ll snoop around at my friends place he may have 1 or 2 decent ones, a hell of a lot cheaper than $40 each! And yes, I`ll make sure they are the same as my Dart! Either way, good luck.
Interesting but I guess I am not supprised. I saw the one Classic industried shows but it is listed as 64-66. It looks the same to me. I wont need them for a couple of months but I don't want to buy one unless I know it is correst. I'm ok with a decent used one instead of paying $40 each! Thanks