1968 Valiant...



New Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Needing assistance BIG TIME. I'm fairly new at cars in general and thought that working on an older car would be the best way to learn...

I recently bought a 1968 Valiant with a slant 6 225 and a holley 1920. I am having some problems with the carburetor / vacuum lines. I rebuilt the carburetor last night and realized that the carb never had a fast idle arm and seems to also be missing a pump return spring so I'm desperately trying to find these. First, any suggestions of where to look for these parts?
So, after getting the carb back on the car the car now makes a slight ticking noise and the engine is not running as smoothly as it once did. Any suggestions for that? And finally, does anyone have a vacuum diagram I could get a hold of?

Much appreciation for any comments or suggestions!

Oh, and addendum: I'm new to forums in general, too... so bear with me if this is the completely wrong forum to place this on.

post in the parts wanted forum...

welcome aboard and post up some pics of your ride
I have a similar problem with mine. I ordered a second carb to get the parts I need, Should be here tomorrow. I'm wondering if some just didn't have a pump diaphragm spring. Was yours missing the spring on the pump diaphragm stem or the one between the metering block and the diaphragm?

Good luck!!!
Welcome to FABO! As a beginer in the car hobby, I suggest you join a local club or get together with some local FABO members. They could take a listen and give you some advice better than trying to do it over the net. If you want to take a video with sound and post it, we'll listen and give you a million suggestions! As for a vacuum diagram, on a '68 model, there really isn't much to it. One 1/2" vacuum hose to the PCV valve, a tiny one from the carb to the distributor vacuum advance, a breather hose from the air cleaner to the valve cover breather, and a tiny choke pull-off hose on the carb. That's pretty much it. Good Luck!
Thank you so very much! I'll be testing out some of these suggestions tonight.
As for joining any local clubs - how would I go about finding more information on that?
You can try asking MN members on here if there is a local club in your area. Also, try asking other Mopar owners at your local cruise night spot or car shows.