[Found!] 1969 Dodge Dart Instrument Cluster Circuit Board

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I would look for a new one unless you're on a tight budget. I've used Mr. Heater Box as they are local to me. Remember used will be 50 years old.
You can have old ones repinned. I had mine done for 1/4 of the cost of overpriced repops.
This is Martin from Pointe -Claire Canada.
How are you doing ; possibly you remember me:
On occasions, you have helped me with different topics.
I have a 68 Dodge Dart instrument cluster in good shape but I don't know if it is worth my while to replace the circuit board and test the instruments (something I enjoy) or offer it as is ( does it have any value?).
Have a good evening.

I hope you are doing well.
Hi Martin, yes your name sounds familiar. Things are good here. Hope the same is for you.
Are you just looking to refurbish and sell? Or do you have 68 Dart? Is it a rally cluster? Both standard and rally clusters have value for sure.
Be well
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