1971 Dodge Demon Hemi install

hey..I was wondering...did Uncle Larry do anything w/timing//vacumn advanve/carb adjustments/tuning/ect..other than adjust kickdown....he is super sharp on Hemis
hey..I was wondering...did Uncle Larry do anything w/timing//vacumn advanve/carb adjustments/tuning/ect..other than adjust kickdown....he is super sharp on Hemis

Uncle Larry did ALL OF THAT...it works BETTER than ever.
Tomorrow Tod and I are going to paint the rear calipers (because we had to grind some off for the wheels to fit without the spacers. Had to do away with the spacers because they made the wheels wobble. THEN all that has to happen it all of this white **** go away and the sun come out.
no doubt.....he really knows how to tune em......did he give you any specs you'd care to share w/me?'
can you get em'....the specs that is...woud be nice to know...for me and you
Thats one great job cudos to everybody on that project. I hope mine can come close to looking like that soon.
hey 62BT409...can't we change your name to HemiJimmy?
So how does it drive, steer and handle?

I assume that with the all aluminum motor
that it doesn't seem front-heavy at all.

How does it compare to a typical small block
So how does it drive, steer and handle?

I assume that with the all aluminum motor
that it doesn't seem front-heavy at all.

How does it compare to a typical small block

It drive really nice, steers and hugs the road very well........haven't had the car for a long run yet. But had it out yesterday since it was a really nice day and all of the roads are dry for now and the salt and crap has been washed away.
The motor was built to stock specs, so the HP is only 425...not like the SS/A Hurst Dart with 700+ HP I had.
Now to compare it to the small it had (318) w/power steering....yes there is a difference. But the sacrifice was worth it :)
do you think its too tame?....we can always add a little HP (whoop-***)
do you think its too tame?....we can always add a little HP (whoop-***)

Not now...........you did a phenomenal job. Had it to Tod's yesterday to see about getting a small tach in it. Punched it once I pulled out of an intersection, it kicked down and starting turning the tires at about 15-20 mph. I had to get out of it. Even when cruising at 30-40 mph and kick it down...it does the same thing.
The Pap-Pap car is just fine....
your vision made the car.....the finished product is all yours....I just bolted it together as requesrted...I still like the stance(love the wide tires all around) and how stealthy it looks.That "Sizzled" HemiDemon is a keeper!
Yes Sir ...it's definitely a keeper, that's why I was really too upset about parting with the Dart

I found this picture (attached) ....it has the HemiDenny stance!


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hey remember the hemi poster with a herd of elephants? can you say pachyderm!!!


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